Hello everybody.
I know players usually focus on whats bad about a game, which is why I make a point of making posts when there is something good to say too. Do not get me wrong, if this game was crap I would say so, but it is actually pretty good. So far I have not heard a bad word said about it from people that actually play it on my site.
We all like it, last time that happened was with Mount and Blade.
I spent yesterday having a quick game to get a feel for Fallen Enchantress. Then I looked at the clock and 5 hours had passed and it was midnight. I think all that really needs to be said about a game is said in that 1 sentence and I have heard others say that happened to them too. That and stay away from Dragons 
But I just want to add some stuff to that.
I love the maps, the way the world changes from dark to green or back again depending on the side you chose. I love the realms of the immortal elemental lords that must be beaten in game that go above and beyond other mortal nations that you also face.
I love the quests that pop up, in fact I would love to write some for this game (I am a modder with scripting skills) but see no way to do it yet.
I love the factions and the lore surrounding them and find the entire game just draws me in. I find my self looking at the detail instead of going word blind and ignoring it as happens with other games (my eyes glaze over with boredom basically). There is so much going on, so much that can happen when you explore a quest location that you cannot just run across the map without thinking. You have to be careful.
I am huge civilization 1 to 4 fan (not Civ 5, that is dumped down for kiddies) and I like RPG games too but never expected a merging of the 2 would world out well. In fact, I believe this style of game makes the 20+ year old Civilization series suddenly look a bit basic.
I know other companies have tried this approach. The last one being one of Neocores extremely buggy (and very NOT recommended) King Arthur series. I think the X4 RPG genre as a lot going for it and I hope to see more games like this in the future. Not just for fantasy gaming but for scifi too. I like scifi more than fantasy to be honest.
In the mean time, just as Sins of a Solar empire is the game to beat for that sort of game, it seems Stardock made the x4 RPG that others have to beat when they made FE too.
Well done Stardock.
Do not worry, I'll probably be back with complaints later. So this creepy uncomfortable fanboy feeling will not last long and I'll soon be moaning about an Elementals underwear being too tight or something lol. Not seen anything wrong yet with this game so I have nothing bad to say about it 
One last thing, I have not had a single crash yet either.
Some players buy games from companies that cannot make stable games to save their lives (Bethesda) and wrongly assume all games are that unstable. I would love to see them playing FE so they can see thats not the case.