Quoting starkers,
reply 202
You've only got to google it to see that Apple is falling out of favour with the buying public, and that soon it will be struggling to keep its market shares in tablet and phone markets.
you should google the numbers after the iPhone 5 release.
The numbers may be impressive, but they are fairly irrelevant when one considers the level of after-sales customer disatisfaction, not only with the iPone 5 but the Mini iPad and the IOS/OS-X operating systems. Many Apple customers feel let down and betrayed by the company, so while the iPhone 5 may have done well, it's the the level of consumer discontent and it doesn't bode well for Apple's future figures/market share.
As for Apple moving production of certain devices back to the US, it sould have done that yonks ago, but I don't know that strategy will actually save it. The complaint is that IOS, OS-X and various iProducts are stale or are fast becoming so, and While Apple has launched 1000's of patents, it will be hard pressed jumping ahead of Samsung, Google and others with something that new and innovative it is breathtaking. That's usually a once in a lifetime thing, and Apple has had its 2 or 3 opportunities with its iPod, iPad, iPhone. Apple's cycle is over now and the law of averages says it is somebody elses turn... the history of economics says so.
and if you are googling look for "nokia bankruptcy" as well.
Well hopefully Nokia can rise above its financial woes, but if not, it won't ruin my plans to purchase a Lumina 920... because mine has already been manufactured and will be available when I'm ready to buy.
in my opinion both Surface and Windows Phone will end up as the Zune. some market share in the United States and globally irrelevant.
You're entitled to your opinion, but I think you're wrong. True, Zune and Vista didn't do too well in their own rights, but this situation with Surface, W8 Phone and Windows 8 is somewhat different, in that MS has married 3 platforms under one singular operating system. I believe Microsoft has hit on a winner here, and with Skydrive as the universal storage and sharing platform syncing all networked devices, users will realise even greater potential and be more connected than they have ever been before.
Apple is only moving some production back to the US because it is just good business to do so. They are still making more money than MS.
Yeah, it is a good move on Apple's part to relocate production back to the US, but I wouldn't bet on it making more money than Microsoft, given that MS has many more fingers in many more financial pies.