Windows 8 is a mistake by Microsoft.
There you have it in a nutshell.
(with apologies to Neil for quoting him out of context.)
I fail to comprehend the huge rush to Windows 8, particularly since Win 7 hasn't been out all that long and has been an amazingly robust and functional OS. Your old OS isn't going to self-destruct simply because it's alleged replacement has been released.
"It's on sale", "it's new" "my friends have it" to me is hardly a justification to replace a known good product with an unknown one. So pat yourself on the back for being so "up to date" and deal with it it. Many of you act like Microsoft can do no wrong, so an immediate switch to the newest OS was a sure thing. It never is so stop blaming Stardock for your own lack of foresight or failure to at least research what the gains vs. the losses would be.
If I went out and bought new tires and rims to fit my car, then replaced the car, I hardly think I could go back to the seller of the tires and rims and demand they make them work on my new vehicle. Why is software any different?
I'm not saying it is a bad OS, to me it is simply one I choose to not use any time in the near future at any cost for my own reasons.
I don't need to keep up, be trendy or save money by buying something I don't need.
My SD software works fine, my games run great and my rig is as secure as it ever was. My ODNT sub is paid up until 2014. All I expect from SD is that the apps continue to work on the OS it was purchased for and hopefully that at least some of the known issues will be addressed at some point. That is good enough for me.
If I was given a copy of Win 8 for Christmas it would go in the closet next to those fruitcakes I got back in 1975., 79, 84, 93, 99, 01..........
/end Win 8 discussions