In a world where abnormal behaviour like lying, cheating, misrepresenting and abusing trust is commonplace, it's heroic to be normal and NOT do those things.
If your company depends on people and people's opinions it's even harder to do, and even more commendable.
Check this post I made about 2 years ago, after WoM had just been released:
BRAD: "I should also say that regardless of sales or reviews, our commitment to Elemental will not be affected."
If this is 100% true then I will be awed, surprised, grateful and positive about the future of our race.
Don't get me wrong: this would be normal.
But I just have to look at simple things like politics where politicians don't just do what's best, but they tend to do what gives them the most votes to see how horribly it has been going wrong, ever since I started following the news and being old enough to make sense of it. Let alone companies depending on other people's money to survive.
If you'll have proven to have kept your word in let's say 2 years you deserve to be heralded like a hero and praised for your strong stand by what is normal (or should be normal) and just. You deserve a statue and a place among the great people that affect change for the better in this world. Just hearing you say what I just quoted makes me look more positively at the future and makes me hope my ideal hopes for better times might come sooner rather then later!
Thank you for saying it, I'll keep watching to see if it becomes truth.
End Quote.
I stand by my words.
Brad (and, to be fair, your name should be taken to represent everyone who has co-created this outcome): you're a hero!
You acted normally, sane, just, in a world where it's pretty rare. As a result, I am more positive about the future of our race.
(downloading my free game now ^^
EDIT: quotes not working? I changed the quoted part to be in italics to make it more clear.