Hi guys..... A couple of days ago, Windows had a complete mental breakdown. Blue screen of death, wouldn't start etc.......
I managed to rescue it via Windows repair after a LOT of messing around, and although it is up and running and I didn't lose anything, there is just one thing that is really annoying me and I would like to know if it can be remedied.
Windows Repair created a new partition on my SSD, I'm assuming it did that to effect the repair. It's just a 100Mb partition as can be seen below....
The problem is, when I boot the computer, I'm presented with TWO options now. Start Windows 7 or Start Windows 7 (recovered).
Obviously, this isn't ideal, and I would like to know if there is any way that I can put the contents of Drive (F:) back into Local Disk (C:) and get rid of that partition? I'm guessing that if I could do that, I wouldn't be presented with the start up options at boot. If anyone has come across this before and managed to fix it, I would be grateful of some advice!! 
Thank you in advance.......... Bry.