While playing I jotted down a few things which were off, tried reading up on the forum to exclude double postings (for example found lucky trait already posted), but still might have missed a few (so if by accident a double post, might even help as it confirms)
1) Some tutorials not starting (beyond static Fallen enchantress pic) - assume this is WAI and will be updated with release (but good feature liked it when I started up)
2) Sometimes the toolbar of the abilities and spells is not visible during first round of combat, happened also once during combat - even though I can activate abilities if I remember the proper number
3)Text bug: Apothecary states in text that it increases Research, while it increases Mana
4)City Enchantment "Set in Stone" does not affect multipliers, so formula seems to be: (Base Research)*(Multipliers)-(Base Research), allowing still some research in city WAI?
5)Rushing the last turn (or sometimes even last 2) can be a negative amount of guilders, actually making u money if u rush (double advantage of time and money), allowing for an unfair advantage to the player who keeps watching for it. I must admit that I even used it to make me some serious cash in Prod heavy cities with 100+ of prod. I assume this is connected to 3 turn minimum limit of construction in some way? WAI?
6)Pathfinding AI seems to not take roads into consideration, when mobs are near, even if the movement would NOT end up even close to mob, any way to take this into account or will I need to keep that under manual control?
7)Explore mode is unclear when its switched off again. After issuing a manual move command, the unit moved there but immediatly after began exploring again. WAI? Would be better if visible when mode is on or off (as already stated in another post).
8)When entering battle (with unit A) strategic view first jumps to next unit (unit B ) with moves available, before opening the tactical battle - also Unit B remains selected even if I have moves remaing on unit A. This is irritating, please keep focus on unit A.
9)Text Bug: Cloister shows neg research in Hiergamon resource breakdown:
10)On level up gained HP's should not only be added to the max, but also to the current (so not leaving a slightly wounded mob, who made 2 or 3 lvls suddenly with only half of its HP, while his friend who also leveled had no wounds has complete health)
11)Text bug: Conclave lvl 4 upgrade choice menu, first option I think: Text states a 10% research upgrade for ALL cities (juicy indeed, but would be OP), but provides 10% for that city only, please update text to prevent possible wrong choice by player
12)Unhappiness (and the resultant production, money etc) is not properly shown in primary selection of city in lower left corner (too much unhappiness was shown). Once I entered the detailed look interface it was properly updated and also shown correctly in the primary selection. Possibly connected to essence calculation with clerics(and its upgrades)? Was playing with scrying pools option. - The important thing I did NOT check was if also the summary at the top of the screen changed (assuming this would require a detailed look at all cities every turn to have correct data)
13)Rushing an item with exactly cost 0 is not possible (only occured once with a settler in a high prod city)
14)Tactical combat: The healthbars are not showing correctly (implying more health than there really is), sometimes with only 5 or 6 (number picked at random) health left the HP bar is still half full
15)Special building requirements like Forge of the Overlord, where I need three other buildings first:
Deleting the Forge in the building queue (had not started building yet and found a better location) made me unable to build it again (stating too little influence as reason). Removing the building from queue should NOT make it impossible to build, at least without any warning.
15b)Trying to regain the influence by razing the 3 req buildings resulted in 2x2 square black spots on clothmap, but could not build again.
16)Text bug? Building time modifiers show as 19% for mill (also in ledger), while mill text says flat 20%. This without any unrest.
17)Piercing defense seems to be the same as cutting (unclear), or is separate listing simply missing? - in either case please make clear by adding extra column or updating text
18) The swamp adventure area, which can dry up and allow cities, shows a river still (at least on clothmap-my prefered modus) after 'freeing' the area, while NOT allowing docks with cities build next to it - either update clothmap to 'disappear' river or allow docks
19)In the ledger the details button does not seem to do anything for me, some feature still intended there but not yet implemented?
Ok guys hope this helps a bit, still an awesome game .
Edit: Had to change into B )
Edit: Screenshot inserted as link