Spells are still bland compared to MOM
1) Summon spells - These are obvious I leave you to come up with.
On average 2 for each level path of magic eg Fire apprentice gets 2 summon , Fire Mage 2... Plus a few mixed types
2) Meta-magic
Essence shield - Strategic - sacrifice one essence of the city - Dispel all existing enemy city enchantments, city is now immune to all enemy city enchantments. All allied units fighting in the city gain 50% resistance to magic
Essence barrier- strategic - castable only in city, sacrifice one essence in the city, dispels all negative enchantments on target unit in city , target unit is now immune to all spells (super high resistance to magic, plus immunity to damage by targetted spells).
Essence shield - tactical - castable only for battles in city, all spells by enemy units are automatically dispelled unless resisted up to number of essence in the city. VARIANT - CITY ENCHANTMENT
Essence shield superior - strategic castable only for battles in city, all spells by enemy units are automatically dispelled (no resistance) up to number of essence in the city. VARIANT - CITY ENCHANTMENT
Essence blast - tactical - castable only for battles in the city, sacrifice one essence, all enemy units resist or die.
Essence resurrection - tactical - castable only for battles in the city, sacrifice one essence, resurrectin all allied units to full health, all allied units gain full health.
Variant of these spells could be normal non-essence versions but would be stronger if there are essence available to be used in city.
Some standard non-essence spells
Mana wall - Tactical, all spells cast by enemy units will be disrupted unless resisted, lose x2 mana cost of spell from mana pool whether spell is disrupted or not
Mana barrier - Tactical, all spells cast by enemy units will be disrupted not resistable, lose X4 mana cost of spell from mana pool whether spell is disrupted or not
Fire (water, life etc) Screen - Tactical, all fire spells cast by all units will be disrupted unless resisted, lose x2 mana cost of spell from mana pool whether spell is disrupted or not
Magic resistance - strategic , Target unit gains 30% resistance to magic
Magic protection - strategic, Target unit gains 100% resistance to magic
Magic immunity - Strategic, target unti gains 200% resistance to magic, cannot be damaged by spells.
Mass dispel enchanment - strategic, dispel all enchantments (allied and enemy) on target city
Disenchant area- Tactical, dispel all existing spell effects (positive & negative) on all (allied and enemy) units
Disenchant area superior - Tactical , dispel all existing spell effects (positive & negative) on all (allied and enemy) units
Disenchant area supreme - Tactical dispel all existing spell effects (negative or those cast by enemy units) on allied units and all exiting spell effects (positive or those cast by enemy units) on enemy units