Voted Good.
* nice animation change. Apart
* early exploration is the phase I like best and it's quite pleasant
* I've seen more items with different effects but I guess there should be even more. Goodie huts gave me 5 +1 Initiative amulets:/
* Good idea about leaving the improvement placement. I can give my cities unique look.
* great move with spells showing real damage on tactical.
I think the game has big replayability potential. Different skills, quests and loot can make different games. But I guess we need more of it. There's not much faction or sov traits to choose. The same with appearance. I'd like my created sovereign to be unique. Give him some jewelry or tatoos or tartan scarf. Kind of customization that is so fun in GalCiv2.
I like the changes but there are good old annoyances around.
* focus on event - when starting battle camera switches to next unit before going to tactical screen. Outpost/mine destroyed - which one? By who? Don't know.
* very low FPS at some battles. Few times I've had to turn on autobattle for a moment to unfreeze the battle.
* I'm playing on medium map and didn't discovered even quarter of it and the FPS is decreasing.
* My first pioneer sent to settle stopped in the middle and didn't move for a few turns
* I don't understand the pickaxe icons. I think they could be of a great use (yellow - don't have technology, green- can build, none - built) but the icons stays after buildning on resources and disappearing after game reload.
* Finding which resource building/oupost is ready to upgrade. At first I thought it will be build option at the corresponding city but no. I have to click every shard and outpost and click upgrade. Till now I don't know if the shads that are in city limits are upgradeable...
* I like playing without going to cloth map and while I like the new map (especially new bases for units) I would very like to see units with icons on them on strategic level. With lots of environment stuff sometimes the units got lost and bam - you have umberdoth at your gates. Icons with faction symbol would fix this issue. I think this could be usefull in tactical also.
* concerning outpost. I like the upgrading but I guess some upgrades should make others unavailable so I can't make all in one outpost
* Pure esthetics. It would be nice to have the capital shown is some special way on the map - different font or some symbol near the name.
* I think some intelligent creatures should improve their caves into towns later in the game that would add another killall factions
* The scarcity of champions and abundance of goodie huts and magic "stuff" unlocked by research got me thinking that number of trinket slots could improve with champion level. For example if you could get one slot every 2 levels.
* Little annoying thing about the quests. When you refuse to take a quest (because it's too dangerous) the quest hut disappears. Imo they should stay for hero brave enough to undertake it. BTW - broken quest with false kill dragon spell (I guess). Dragon killed me and stayed in my country but quest icon was still on the vertical bar. When later I killed the dragon nothing happened.
* I haven't encountered any random events till now. Pity.
* tactical - prone units turn to face their enemy while lying down. Levitation effect.
* tactical - kills from counterattacks are shown before the hit