I like to make my own little tweaks for this game, and one of them is giving the Advent and the TEC their own phase stabilizer nodes (I can already hear your eye-rolling, but I figure it's too important of an edge for them not to try and duplicate/steal it).
I got it to work previously in a Diplomacy mod that I made, but it's not working in Rebellion. I made my own entities for the research items and structures. Each faction has the research appear in their trees correctly, and the stabilizer nodes appear in their construction lists. The nodes are locked until the research is completed, which is correct. But once the structure is finished being built, when I click on it to see its options, it doesn't have the phase stabilization ability.
At first I figured that I just couldn't use the regular AbilityPhaseGateModule.entity, so I made separate ones called AbilityPsiGateModule.entity and AbilityTechGateModule.entity. They're basically just copy-pastas of AbilityPhaseGateModule.entity, with only one or two tweaks.
Here's the code for the Advent phase gate structure that I made: http://pastebin.com/cS2skUFw
Here's the code for the gate's ability: http://pastebin.com/MKKKfznH
Here's AbilityPhaseGateModule.entity for reference: http://pastebin.com/5UKJnekF
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Nothing I do seems to make it work. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm not getting any error messages or crashing, the ability simply isn't appearing in the structure's list and the planet isn't being made into a stabilizer node. Is it a capitalization error? Have I left out some modifier or setting? I've tried everything I can think of, but it's to no avail.