Trivial Options Mods Pak for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion 1.84 (or later) is now on Mod DB. In addition to the original contents of the mod pack, I have decided to put all my other minimods into the pack, instead of migrating each of them to Mod DB separately.

Trivial Options Mods Pak is a pack of standalone minimods such as No Superweapons mod and font change mod. It also features Extra Random Map Pak, TEC/Advent/Vasari voice mods, and others that were previously separately distributed.
This mods pack allows you to play with gameplay variants:
- No Superweapons
- No Titans
- No Superweapons and Titans
- Pseudo Diplomacy - imitation of SOASE:Diplomacy
- Pseudo Entrenchment - imitation of SOASE:Entrenchment
- Pseudo Original Sins - imitation of the original SOASE
Some other notable optional features available:
- Extra Random Maps Pak - More randomness to player start locations and other things, to create more varied and unpredictable games.
- Font mod - Uses Segoe UI font for better readability.
- Vasari voice mod - Deeper and more sinister voices.
- Advent voice mod - Slightly deeper and more mature voices.
- TEC voice mod - Radio distortions to voices.
- Research subject name mod - More straight forward names.
There are a few other features available, please see below for full list. For ease of use, all the optional features are merged into a mod, but each of them are also individually available as minimods, so you can pick and choose which one you like.
Quick Instructions: is all you need to download.

As a general rule, each mod in the pack can work as standalones. Beside the gameplay variants, all mods in the pack are compatible to each others. Zero Checksum (ZCS) versions are also available for use in online multiplayer games. Some mods (such as the font mod) can work very well with external mods as well.
The followings are gamplay variant mods. No more than one of these should be enabled at one time, since they make changes to the same group of game files:
\Trivial NoSuperweapons
\Trivial NoTitans
\Trivial NoTitansSupweapons
\Trivial PseudoDiplomacy
\Trivial PseudoEntrenchment
\Trivial PseudoOriginalSins
The followings are merged feature mods:
\Trivial Features - Every features in the component mod list below merged into this one mod.
\Trivial Features ZCS - Zero checksum version of the above, omitting a couple of features to maintain zero checksum.
\Trivial NoRaceDialog ZCS - Removes race/faction select dialog, making game setup quicker. An oddball here; I decided not to include it in Trivial Features because I think many people might prefer keeping the dialog. Zero checksum.
\Map Pak - Extra Random Maps: THIS IS NOT A MOD. Copy the maps (*.galaxy in the directory) to GalaxyForge\
If you do not like any of the contents in \Trivial Features, you can download, which contains every features in individual minimods, so that you can enable or merge in any combination you like.
What are Zero Checksum (ZCS) Mods?
The game uses the overall checksum of your enabled mods to tell whether your configuration is compatible with another player. The game deems some games files (usually cosmetic related ones) unimportant to actual gameplay. Modding them will not impact checksum, which means the game will not bar you from joining a multiplayer game.
Putting a ZCS mod at the bottom of your enabled mod list will keep your game checksum unimpacted. You can have multiple ZCS mods at the bottom of the list. This way, you can join multiplayer games with other players even if they do not have those ZCS mods.
All mods with zero checksum in this mod pack is marked with "ZCS" in their names.
Map Pak - Extra Random Maps
Extra Random v2.galaxy maps feature occasional neutral colonies.
Extra Random (NoNeutral) v2.galaxy maps are same, except that no neutral colonies will be spawned.
Trivial Features Component Mods List:
All of the followings are included in Trivial Features in the main download .zip. Trivial Features ZCS only includes the ones marked with ZCS.
Trivial All Skyboxes - Adds back the red skybox.
Trivial Autocannon Sound ZCS* - Gives autocannons the oomph they derserve.
Trivial Exhaust Mod - Colours depends on race (based on the intro movie) rather than player colour.
Trivial Exhaust Mod ZCS - Same as above, but omits the fix for Advent Envoy Cruiser, Advent Starbase Constructor and Vasari Rebel Titan engine exhaust (these use TEC battleship enginer exhaust and thus is orange).
Trivial Shield Graphic ZCS* - Directional shield impact graphic.
Trivial SimpleResearchNames ZCS - More straight forward names. AI taunts are changed to be more in character.
Trivial TecKodiakMuzzle - Makes TEC Heavy Cruiser muzzleflash more proportionate to the gun size.
Trivial UseSegoeFont ZCS* - Uses Segoe UI font for better readabilty.
Voice Advent Mature ZCS* - Slightly deeper and more mature voices.
Voice TEC Radio ZCS* - Radio distortions to voices.
Voice Vasari Deep ZCS* - Deeper and more sinister voices.
* These mods in particular should work well with external mods.
For Rebellion v1.82
For Rebellion v1.51, v1.52
For Rebellion v1.50
For Rebellion v1.1
Version 2016-06-19
New changes since previously released versions:
- Supports Sins of a Solar Empare: Rebellion v1.84.
- Includes Map Pak - Extra Random Maps.
- Includes TEC/Advent/Vasari voice mods.
- Includes other minor features including All Skyboxes, Autocannon Sounc, Exhaust Mod, Shield Graphic, TEC Heavy Cruiser Muzzleflash.
- Extra Random Map v2 changes:
- The number of wormholes is randomized. Neutral colonies spawned (10% chance).
- An extra set of maps available with neutral colonies disabled.
- TEC voice mod is redone.
- SimpleResearchNames mod change: Fleet Logistics research subjects changed to Fleet Command I to VIII and Fleet Supply I to VIII.
- Supports Rebellion v1.82.
- Added NoDLC-StellarPhen: disables Stellar Phenomena planets and stars.
- Updated SimpleResearchNames, Pseudo Entrenchment/Vanilla.
- Others are unchanged.
- Supports Rebellion v1.80.
- Supports Rebellion v1.51.
- Added NoDLC-ForbWorlds mod: disables Forbidden Worlds DLC. Can stack with other mini-mods in the pack.
- Added mission offering and gifting researches to Pseudo Entrenchment/Original Sins mods.
- SimpleResearchNames mod updated to cover all the research branches. It also now changes the out-of-character AI taunts.
- Supports Rebellion v1.50.
- Added Pseudo Diplomacy/Entrenchment/Vanilla mods.
- Added SimpleResearchNames mod. Updated.
- Removed no-starbases mods.
- Small change for NoTitans et al: removed them from production menus, so that AIs do not get stuck/slow down trying to build them.
- Added NoRaceDialog: Disables faction selection dialog.
- Added UseSegoeFont: Change to Segoe UI font; font size scaled to fit GUI elements.
- Small fix: UseSegoeFont InfoCard text offset.
- Updated for Rebellion v1.04