Greetings fellow Stardock enthusiasts!! Like you, I too enjoy collecting and using Stardock's many cool apps, themes etc. having been a member since 2004, I've amassed quite an impressive collection. I seem to recall discovering Stardock's Bootskin for the first time. I thought it was a great app and ahead of its time. I couldn't wait to download Bootskin to replace that standard boring Windows boot screen. I went on from there absolutely hooked on Stardock's apps and many incredible themes ever since. Sorry about memory lane. Anyway, my question has to do with two of Stardock's apps, specifically Bootskin & Right-Click. I run Windows 7 64-Ultimate and would like to utilize these two apps once again without fear of screwing up my OS. Can someone please say definitively whether or not Bootskin & Right-Click have been revised to function on a Window 7-64 Bit platform? Please help clear this matter up for me. I read so many different opinions about compatibility issues. What are the facts??
I encourage Stardock to be more proactive in revising their applications to keep pace up with the ever evolving operating systems. Perhaps post some kind of information table listing each of Stardock's applications & the respective operating system(s) they are or are not compatible with. Too many people have too many differing opinions on this subject and I suspect based on what they have written may not have all the latest & greatest information on the subject. of compatibility.
From Stardock's somewhat inadequate technical support and customer services, I suspect these forums were put together to take the place of of actual realt-time technical support, producing user manuals/guides, troubleshooting manuals etc. I love Stardock. However, sometimes it is frustrating when trying to find any up-to-date documentation put out by Stardock. I believe they rely too much on skinners to do their technical support work job which is wholly unfair to the many talented, creative and hardworking master skinners out there who do so much and share so much and yet receive so little for everything they do and share with the public for free,
I would like to suggest that a group of the best skinners get together and create their own master skinners website. Charge a fair annual membership fee and pay skinners to create their wonderful works of art for us to use and enjoy. I've seen too many thoroughly talented skinners come and go. I miss their awesome work much of it is work paying something for if that is the incentive they need to stick around to create more great work.. Oops there I go again rambling on.....
Bless you all! Stardock rocks and there is no other site that even comes close even though Stardock needs to improve, they are still the best in their industry and nobody even comes close..
Thanks folks for your readinf this posting and for your help! with Bootskin & Right-Click.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Rock-On , Peace!