Quoting loggerhead_shrike,
1) Movies are much more expensive to produce ... consider the cost of a good developer vs the cost of a good actor. The actor will be 10X the cost. Distribution is more expensive too.
And this should concern me as a person wanting to spend my money on the maximum amount of entertainment... how exactly?
It's not my problem if films are pricey to make. That's for the companies + the cinema to figure out how to get me to pay 15€ for 2 hours at the cinema if I can have 30+ hours of gameplay from a 15€ indie game easily (and given the sheer number, there's always one pushing my buttons).
How is that my problem?
Why would I use that as a reason to go to the cinema? It's bad value for my money on a time/money level. So if I can watch an - allegedly - awesome movie versus playing an - allegedly - awesome game, I'll nearly always opt for the game, more entertainment hours per € spent.