Siddy, you do realize I said I play some MP, right? I don't do SP exclusively.
Beyond that, I actually put quite a bit of stock in what you guys have to say about balance. I really do. I trust that you know the gameplay at high skill levels better than I do and have no issues with that. When attempting to come up with ideas for balance changes, I almost always start with what the general consensus from the MP community is. I really do think you guys know balance well. I disagree sometimes, and with some of you, that's quite often. Doesn't mean I don't respect your opinion though. In fact, taken from my balance thread...
"Despite all our bickering and disagreements here, we can all agree on one thing: the game is certainly not balanced."
We agree on the foundation and you guys are great at pointing out the problems. True, it's often not in the most polite way possible, but still. Once you guys find issues, I believe the community as a whole can have input on the subject which of course you're free to critique (or insult as you seem to prefer
) the ideas presented. You guys make a good review board for the balance of the game, actually, you're the best we've got at the job.
Fact is, a lot of us are trying to help. We agree with you guys about imbalance and seek to fix it. Some things you guys won't like, some of your ideas we won't like, but there are a lot of good suggestions that come from both sides. True, the SP has more fanboism comments than the MP community posts, but then the MP also rages more, so a good chunk is lost in the translation.
In all honesty, I'm just doing what I think will help the game most, and right now, that thing is trying to at least slightly reduce hostilities between the people in MP and SP crowds.
[quote who="Mecha-Lenin" reply="87"id="3173582"]I don't inteview everyone I talk to if they play on ICO or not. I played this game for 2 years, quite extensively. Sometimes I just don't want to be involved in 1 page discussion about an idea, which I can clearly see is based on several wrong assumptions.[/quote]
Fair enough. There are threads I don't get into simply because I think the ideas are terrible and hope that by not posting, maybe I can expedite their deaths a bit.
EDIT due to ninja by Siddy:
Jokes aside, if you dont want to nerf vasari, at least buff tec and advent so they have some sort of late game mobility, flexibility and fleet sustain that can come close to vasari.
I remember i used to do advent battleball with guardians and progens, or malice/briliance combo. Now, only remotely good ability that can change fleet battles outside vasari arsenal, is maza mb.
Vasari have best cap ship abilities bar none. Advent synergies are either nerfed or become obsoleat thanks to phase missiles.
The irony is that advent vs tec is balanced. Anything vs either vasari faction is lame as a duck.
Once the big problems with the Vasari are ironed out, I'd be fine with buffing Advent synergies and whatnot. Just saying this for the record.