Three things. One, I thinking influence is underutilized (except for Kraxis). Two, the path of the governor is just not as useful as the other paths. Three, the computer doesn't build up it's champions as well as the player.
An idea that would be interesting and would address all these things. In the path of the governor there should be an ability (or maybe an ability with tiers) which allows recruitment of other kingdoms champions. It should cost influence based on the champions level. The same level limits and kingdom vs empire limits in hiring should still apply.
Most importantly, champions should have a new stat, loyalty, which can be built up (an adjustable salary? or titles which can be given to champions? Yes this is a lot like Romance of the Three Kingdoms if anyone has played those games).
The idea is a champion who has the "recruit" ability gets a one time (per enemy champion) chance in battle to get an opponents champion to switch sides. The chance of success would be based on the recruiters ability tier (if there are different levels of the ability) and the recruited's loyalty level. It should cost influence whether or not the champion switches sides.
Another thing about this mechanic is it opens up a few spell possibilities. I picture high level death mages being able to turn their champions into unrecruitable zombies. But I may be jumping the shark there.
Another thing, I've thought for a while that it would make sense for kingdoms that declare war on other kingdoms to have to spend influence to do so. These guys use life magic and warfare doesn't feel very life magicy. Empires should also have to spend influence to attack other empires (it doesn't make as much sense but the balance is needed for game play). Kingdoms should be able to attack empires (and the opposite) with out an influence cost.
I like an influence cost for declaring war on its own but I think as a mechanic it works with the recruit ability to prevent (make it harder for) players declaring war just to recruit champions.
Thanks for reading my run on post.