The aero option is still available in this just-released build. But the 'intel' is it won't be in any further beta (if there is one) and not in the
RTM and retail versions. That means, as far as I'm concerned, WinBlinds is back in the loop (I lived without it on WN7.) I like aero - turn it
off and you'll see what I mean. Bland. There will be many, especially those using Metro on phones and pads, who won't want it. I can see
the reason for that. A flat look on those devices could be preferable. But a little eye candy on a PC and notebook is pleasant. So I'm all
for a new Win 8 version of WindowBlinds (the current/latest version is 'not compatible'. I know, I tried it.)
Stardock, I hope you're on the ball..