It was sarcasm at his over the top "I pity you" drama. Sarcasm is a form of wit smart people understand and other sorts of people don't get it.
Now continue the amusement.
Actually sarcasm is an expression of deep anger. There is nothing intelligent about sarcasm(it actually comes quite easily to most people), its used as a way for individuals who place a lot of value on social hierarchies to release their anger and have it seem like it is also humor. Personally I find sarcasm to be a cowards way out, if you are going to oppose me then just oppose me outright, don't try to be sly and slink your way around the edges like a bitch.
Luckily, most of your post was in response because you seem to think that my pity is an insult. Me calling you a bitch, that was actually an insult.
The thing is you have no power over my observational analysis of your state of being, except to provide effective writing. I can see through your writing easily enough, just as i can see through opponents strategies while playing sins. You are just upset because I saw something you didn't mean for all of us to see, and I pointed it out with astounding clarity. I truly do pity you, its not some forum gimmick. Based upon how your mind works i would assume you are a relatively small man who places his importance on his brain and puts his personal value in that area. I would recommend developing your heart, because that is actually the most important part of your being. That is why I pity you, because you haven't found that out yet.
You can take it a different way, instead of responding in anger and making the decision to act on that anger instead of gaining more information, you leave yourself open for more assault.
That is why the military doesn't act in anger, because military disasters are caused when emotion gets into the works. Most members of the military that i worked with had weak, almost non existent hearts that made them weak to all sorts of problems, and as a result they weaken the entire military apparatus.
If you had asked why I pity you, you would be in a better emotional position to protect any possible counter sting from attack because you would have made the choice. As it stands you are just reacting in anger in my post and truly are under my influence at this very moment. The thing that makes you angry is that you chose to be there and you don't know exactly how that happened.
Also, the developers wouldn't want to choose a piss poor player to test their game, as you won't be able to really test the game balance because you are incapable of maximizing playing efficiency with this game. If the developers were to choose you over me it would just be an indication of their emotional weakness and inability to deal with the guarenteed right on target constructive criticism that I provide. Like it or not, i'm a provider of constructive criticism.
Also, when developers find that core decisions they made while designing the game have come into question by the player base during a Beta, they should have been making more informed decisions. Developers, being paranoid about their IP want to keep it secret, yet a game is a communal experience. If you piss off your future community because of a piss poor decision you failed to gain enough intelligence on via testing, its your own damn fault. Developers who just delete their forums are taking the cowards way out, and trying to circumvent the inevitable, that they in fact aren't gods, they are servants of the whole.
They are making themselves public figures, and providing a game that will serve the emotional and intellectual needs of their player base. As such public figures will ALWAYS be under the thrall of the public when the public chooses to do so. If they can't take the heat then they should start reading up on effective leadership strategies, because they failed at leadership.