Monsters never target ouposts or resources f any player. If it destroys one it's because it got in its way.
There north thing stopping you from building near monsters. You're rolling the dice. If you're tarty, you should build around monsters.
So, does this mean that monsters will no longer attack pioneers that wander near their lairs either?
Also, when an outpost disturbs a monster lair (causing it to roam) what is the desired monster behavior?
In the linked save game, Altair disturbed the hoarder spider lair, causing the hoarder spider army to start wandering, seemingly aimlessly, in the forest near my captured city. The spider did not, as you mention, attack the outpost, but neither did it return to its lair nor attack player/AI units that wandered near it.
I am just looking for a bit more clarification on the current behavior and to see if this behavior is, in fact, a problem or if we should ignore it for the time being.