Just won a game with drotas.
Couple of remarks.
The web ability of default militias doesn't work.
I designed myself archer units with venomous and webs (figured it would be clever), but the web ability didn't worked and the venomous didn't work on bows. The first is a bug, the latter I think would be a nice benefit for drota. There could be also venomous II and III with stacking effect.
They don't have mounts, trained spiders have move of 3, it would be fine to have a jump trained unit trait to give them additional move.
The animations are somewhat strange, when they get killed they are split in halfs, interesting effect, but feels a little unpolished.
Secondary issue, when I was attacking with spearman unit against multiple figures units, the damage was calculated properly but individual weren't dying. leaving me for example four man squad of milita with 1 HP left. When I attacked the same unit with other unit (like archers) the number of figures seemed to be recalculated properly.
Overall great game. I was playing on expert on medium map against gnomes, elves and death legion. Was close to alliance victory but eventually won through master quest.
I was kind of clay colossus. lingering heavily on the sovereign and ogre units (with the king of the wastes tech I got level 9 ogres out of the box). The troops that gnomes was able to mount were really tough, and with their high spell resistance, I was quite lucky they were involved in war with death legion. I managed to sneak two cities out of him, when he marched against death legion, and got him to surrender. That situation was mostly caused by the lack of crystal. I had single source of it through the entire game and with those cool drota traits costing crystal, I was able to pump a unit other than harridan every 20 turns or so.
I was early declared war by all kingdom factions, but as my sovereign climbed in levels, and I settled like mad, my power level climbed high enough to offer first tribute to death legion before they declared war on me, and then make peace with elves. after that and convincing death legion to declare war on elves they kept throwing armies on themselves across the continent with me in the middle. I allied with DL an dcame to be much stronger then elves so they were friendly regardless different allegiance and previous war.
I was strongest in power, but had I been forced to conqest I would have real tough time against either elves or DL, as they were much more advanced an their troops had a lot of hitpoints and very high defenses. In the last turns of the game some event was triggered that dropped deadly stacks of assassins deamons around most of my cities, thinning my units even more.
Stormlord (Drota sovereign) was real cool. the hunter sword kept me moving through most of the game, I was able to score crits (this guy is amazing assassin) against beasts one time after another, and let me solo most of the beasts around. I lucked out on champions though (got only the starting hero, that was also assassin, matching my death magic school, so through most of the game I continued to use the same blind tricks) Only close to the end I got one more level 9 champion also an assassin, and the only variety was brought by the surrendered lord of gnomes.
The monsters were awesome, greater variety was so refreshing, and momentarily scary (beeing surrounded by armies of halfdrakes when you solo with attack 12/defense 10 sovereign) pity I was unable to settle near those demonshrills to have them recruited.
The reliquary items got mixed feelings. It so good to have items that are unique, they actually make you think about them more than choose bigger value of whatever you're maxing or countering. But on general I feel so terrified with that hex (never been hexed yet, after three games) that I mostly carry them to the shop and sell. ... thinking about it further, this are mixed feelings, but I am on the positive side. I like to think during the game.
going for further customization, how about a giant spider with area effect webbing in place of catapults?
also possible unique spell - 'plant spider eggs' with a cost of 100 mana. Target enemy army or caravan. after 4 turns bunch of 4 black widows spring out next to the unit. castable in own territory.
but I disgress. Heavenfall, outstanding job.
Amazing mod.