I have played sins for a long time now. Recently I bought a pre-order and gained access to the beta.
After playing for an hour or two I quickly realised that most of the content (To my mind about 80 to 85%) is really just carry over from the last sins plus the three "micro" expansions. Apart from the inclusion of titan class vessels, the game plays out just like diplomacy.
My heart sank as the realisation came to me that my beloved game's sequel was not all what I had hoped for or even expected to become.
So I have to ask myself, is this game a true sequel or just a rehash which includes some extra content?
On one hand we see the split in the races into factions, but those factions (on the surface) really represent a difference in Titans. One being aggressive, the other defensive. True there may be other technology tree research to be had, but these are really just attribute changes at heart.
In a nutshell, Split factions in sins should have much less in common with each other(like rebels having loyalist killing tech like misslile crusers, instead of frigates) than we currently see. I suppose then my real burning question is, will we see a real "fracturing" of each race, in terms of different frigates and cruisers. Or will we see what we have already seen in the BETA, an almost pointless split of each race that amounts to very little?
Rebellion needs to be a reinvention of itself. otherwise what is the point other than to make money (which it wont do if it doesn't offer any real change from its predecessor?). What would a game critic say about sins in a review? My guess would be that he would say something similar to what Ive just mentioned here.
Thanks for a taking the time to read this. Discussion is gladly welcomed.