I played advent in diplomacy 1.34 and rolled people up all the time. But that is most likely because everyone was getting out of practice playing against the advent and were way into specializing techniques for the epic Vasari vs. TEC matchup. I sure had some fun with my long winning streak though
General comments about the advent from 1 long singleplayer game:
-The Advent Fleet synergy is nice. I've been testing the strength of the new fleet, and I have to say I really like the feel of it. The discordia is a great addition to the fleet, FINALLY a way to reduce opposing armor to maintain frigate relevance in the midgame. This ship is also a great CORVETTE CRUNCHER (my term, you heard it here first). So in advent vs advent/close-quarters TEC fights the discordia could be the game changer.
-We will definately see more progen openers now, shield repair + advent corvettes is a nice early game combo good against anything early on. The advent have retained their overall feel, which is VERY nice to see(I give developers a big +100 HUG). I agree with yottsu, I was very surprised that all the advent loyalist goodies were so late in the tech trees...I feel like there needs to be something earlier (i have only played loyalist tonight...tomorrow i'll be on rebels...).
-Advent corvettes! what a nice ship design, what nice dps they have. I hope they are good enough to "HOLD THE LINE" long enough to give advent players the time to get access enough of their high tech goodies. Corvettes are starting to show their subtle uses and the different designs behind them... Now will the vasari have the strongest corvettes? I do think the loyalist corvette debuff is lame...that is unless our noble number cruncher testers can figure out if Hit% actually does anything in this new build.
-One thing to be tested is to see how fast the advent eco is compared to the TEC...It feels much slower right out of the gate, but the pressure the advent can put on the TEC early on will hopefully become a nice balance. As it is I really foresee some serious issues with advent facing a TEC Rebel Truce Among Rogues planet grab...I can't wait to test out what kind of crazy culture war will occur with that fight. Right now I see the advent having a little difficulty securing chokepoint planets (as usual). That shield repair platform is awesome...Advent capitals now have staying power against a decent sized LRM force...ZOMG!!! This increases advent fleet options and might allow for other strategies not centered around the progenitor mothership.
TEC mines vs advent capitals + titan, I lost half my cap fleet and 70% of my titans HP just stomping through these mines the AI set up. OMG, they are actually reasonably effective now! Time to use that take over mines ability that the drone hosts now have, what fun this will be against the vasari. I'm loving the new options and creative counters.
Also, the advent actually feel like they can get a strong bomber spam substantially faster then the TEC, which goes a long way towards giving the advent a clearer early air power advantage.
I am quite pleased that the advent fleet is encouraged to build many capitals for awesome synergy bonuses. These bonuses seem worth it...and also give a strong justification to tech to level 8 for mass trancendance. I might actually tech this ability in a multiplayer match...just awesome!
I didn't get to test if they fixed the fleet healing on the domina's yet. Crossing my fingers on this one.
Also guardians seem much more justified with titans, so the military usefulness of these overpriced buggers has now become worth it. Guardians + titan + progen. One sexy combo if you ask me.
Now i'll have to find the time to do timed tests on my tried and true sol vs. orion map to see how advent fleet capability has improved since diplomacy.
the only downside I see with the advent is: the voice acting of the new units...they seem screechy and annoying... I had to turn the volume down real low because they were annoying my girlfriend (she even asked, why don't you play the race with the nice voices? lol). I enjoyed the advent for the mellow soothing babe whispering in my ear.
Where did she go!!!!!
I hear her on old units... I don't want some fanatical coked up lady, gimmie mah sugar lipped sweety!