With all due respect, Alstein, I think your observations and reasoning (Reply #37 above) are mostly incorrect.
In fact, I think COLDsteel's response (Reply #39 above) is so Dead-On, that I wish I had written it ! ... (including the part about about a future Win8 -- ). (Please also see my Replies #20, and #33 above.)
I DO think that this discussion thread is especially relevant and useful. In fact, I wish that Mr. Wardell would go ahead and turn this into regular, multiple choice, "Friday Poll". I would be interested in the results, might learn I was wrong (it's possible), and would perhaps factor in the results, when considering my own upgrade cycle.
For now, I hold to my opinion that nearly half of Stardock's TRUE target audience (whether they know it, or not) will still be on 32-bit systems, regardless of whether their current OS is officially XP, Vista, or Win7.
And therefore, designing for the 2-Gig-memory audience, is still nearly a critical issue, for the success of FE. (And I dearly DO want FE to be successful -- the more so, the better!)
[ Late Edit : And please note, that even some of the most prominent Respondents on this site: seanw3 (see Reply #27 above), and Lord Xia (post, from another thread) are still acknowledged Win-Vista users. ]