First, let me say I love so much of what FE brings. The new map, with alot of places to explore, the new hero and quest systems, the new customization options and the nice loots.
Yes, I did just say i love most everything FE adds, so why am I bored you might ask? Because I feel like im playing a spreadsheet. Let me state for the record I love Civilization games, Galactic Civ and Sins of a Solar empire and all those Empire building games, I also love RPGs like Dragon Age, Baldurs Gate etc. Its paced so slowly right now all there is to do is hit End Turn until your eyes bleed. I like the new Research trees too, but im only on the 2nd tier and things take forever to research. You might also ask well, why not adventure? You said you loved the new map and heroes. Well the answer is I would, but that is slow too, I honestly feel like im grinding in an Asian Free to play MMO, its so bad. It kills any desire to go adventuring considering how fast powerful monsters start appearing. Which leans sitting at your town building an army only to get boxed in by powerful monsters and npcs that freely roam your lands that you cant do much about because your Sov and heroes cant get strong enough soon enough. Any forces you build up will only get crushed which wastes resources when some spiders or a bear pops by. This wouldnt be so bad having cannon fodder if your heroes at least got more powerful from defeating those raids, but guess what? They dont.
What this amounts to is a very boring and frustrating game trying to hold on until your research finally gets to the point you can make troops that can actually survive and protect your city so you can go and start trying to make new cities... on about turn 500+. Yawn. Did I mention I was playing on beginner? Now Im not against slow, boring and challenging but that should be reserved for higher levels, like high and up. As it is, FE is just so unfun, it becomes tedious at this point despite all the wonderful additions. Why bother making such great additions if only the most masochistic spreadsheet players will see it?