Problem/annoyance/issue+possible solution:
Stupid scouting AI behavior: I put my scouts on auto explore...eventually they all die b/c they keep going through the pirate base...after the pirate base has been explored, scouts shouldnt fly through it...
1. Solution: Give us different AI scouting options...include an avoid pirate base option.
Another thing that scouts do that I hate...I send my 2 scouts out to explore, and then I build some more, and the 2 that are at the first 2 planets are about to go to the next ones, but then when I set my newly built scouts to explore, the ones that are about to leave the planets next door, decide to reroute through the home world b/c the new scout decided to check out the planet 2 jumps away through the newly explored planet.
2. Solution: Scouts on auto explore automatically explore the closest unexplored planet and they don't reroute right before they jump b/c another scout picked the planet they were about to jump to. Also, they continue to scout unexplored planets.
Another possible solution: Have AI auto scout options: Auto scout enemy positions, auto scout all, auto scout closest unexplored, auto scout a specific color...there is already so much micro managing in the game, I don't want to micro my scouts.
AI pathfinding...why when my capital ship moves across multiple planets of mine, will they not think to check their course and fly strait into the only crystal asteroid anywhere near its path, then stop, try to figure out what to do, get confused, back up, turn around, then slowly waddle around? Didn't they see that crystal asteroid? They are in space, they could have gone to the left or right or over or under, and the AI sails right into it...adding anywhere from 30 seconds to a min and a half for them to get where they are going depending upon the situation (could be more or less, but you get the point).
3. Solution: AI is improved so that they avoid flying into solitary structures when transiting through multiple planets.
Note: There are a lot of other annoying things that AI path finding does, but I don't feel like typing it all out right now.
Another annoying thing, AI pathfinding when moving to the next planet. If I indiviually tell them to jump, they will all try and take the shortest route to the edge of the gravwell, but if I tell them to all jump together, then then will want to all jump at the same spot unless I use the retreat option, which doesn't always make them jump to the correct grav well.
4. Solution: Just like there is a jump at the same time or individually option, add the option to have the ships always take the fastest route to jump to the next planet or to group together before jumping. "most direct route" "group together"
Multiplayer lobby:
5. Intead of having to choose a map to create a game, you create a game and then choose the map and then choose how many open slots you want.
This will make things much better for the multiplayer experience...1 example: you have a 4v4, but can only get 3v3, now, instead of having to make a new game, you just change the map.
6. Map preview: Self explanatory. People can go into the map editor software and view the maps, so why not just build in a map preview in a little box, or have a map previous option that will pop up a view of the map that allows you to look around?
What are your thoughts on the above?