Pretty much all of the maps are terribly flawed
Cataract just has an interesting mechanic between flags, even if having the mana side gold flag is a major design flaw, as well as the narrow lanes allow tower rook to be VERY strong.
Prison == Too open, so weaker anti-demigods have no safety
Exile == Just as bad as crucible to end a game, because the portals cannot be captured.
Leviathan == Too much mana, and a glaring design in defenses allows a variety of unfun exploits. Also, because of Demigod's broken meta game with reinforcements, it is a real bad idea to capture the contested portal flags or you feed to much XP to the enemy. (because creep waves cannot challenge towers without at least priests, and getting that upgrade makes the XP problem even worse)
The Brothers == Not enough flags and too many towers prevent tower diving, so no interesting tactics, It also has a contested portal (same xp problem as above)
Mandala == Too much distance to traverse into hostile territory. It usually ends up in 2 extremes depending on players. A bad game of whack-a-mole, or a bad game of brute force pushing, because the double portals make a very strong creep wave when turned against you.
Zikurat == Too much gold, contested portal XP problem again. Other than that, this would be a good map that would probably see alot of action because it is fun to play on. It is tower heavy, so you need to play it on regular strength towers, but I prefer that for all maps anyways.