A few random topics:
Leveling quickly - I'm finding that one of the fastest ways to level my character is to do space missions. Specifically, the most difficult ones on a daily basis. You get anywhere from 10k-14k xp for between 4-11 minutes. Plus you get the added benefit of simply doing something different than the usual grind. It's not great for credits, but for xp - yup. Can't think of any other way to consistently (eg daily) get that much XP is so little time. I actually paid attention to how the bonus mission XP works while I was on tatooine. For every bonus objective you completed (eg stage 1, stage 2, etc) you get xp immediately on the fly. I was getting about 4k per bonus there + a payout at the end via the drop box. Anyway, some good xp there.
Bad experiences in groups - well, now that I'm playing significantly more often in groups, I'm bound to end up with a few bad experiences here and there with folks. Had something like that last night. The only thing that seems to set folks off (so far that I've seen) is some sort of whinging about item drops. I'm curious if there is any real etiquette that really should be followed or if its just some arse gets an idea in his head how things are supposed to be then bitches if you go against it. Anyway, here's the scenario from last night where I pissed off some nerdling. I'm an imperial agent and have a bounty hunter as a companion. One of the people in my party is a bounty hunter. An item drop appears that is armor for a bounty hunter. Its about 100 more armor + better stats than what I have on my companion. I select need (need it for my companion). I win the roll... commence bitching and whining for the next 30 minutes making the experience very annoying. Anyway, I'm sure this guy was being an ass with how he carried on after not getting his precious level 30 item drop, but I'm curious if I was being a dick to pick need in the first place. Not like I'm clicking need on every drop... just the ones I need...
Binds on pickup? - Are there items that bind the moment you pick them up? I've seen all of those items that bind when I try to equip them (eg that pop up appears warning you that this will be bound). The fellow from the bad experiences in groups indicated that the armor I picked up was bound immediately... fueling his retarded rant. Does any item really bind on pickup (eg you can't give it away, etc)? I know some binds when you equip them, but that's about it.
Guilds - So I mentioned I joined a goofy guild the other day. I dropped that last night as I didn't think anything would come of it and the folks seemed to be in a substantially younger age group than me. I then responded to one of those groups advertising in the imperial fleet. After a brief discussion, I joined that group on my pewpewpacov account. They say they have about 60 people with 6-8 that have level 50 accts. So, I'm hoping I can start teaming up with these folks for flashpoints and ops. I'll keep you fellas posted on my experience there in case they turn out to be very active so that more and more of us could get playing together on a frequent basis. Pretty sure its more than just me that would like to have folks to play regularly with.
level 50 bounty hunter -merc - dps - pacov
level 30 imperial agent -sniper - dps - pewpewpacov