Current run down on Kass City server:
- pacov (pacov)- Bounty Hunter - mercenary (heal primary, then dps)
- ryat (ryat) - Bounty Hunter - power tech
- carbon (Ryden) - Sith Assassin
- seamw (Ahblaka) - imperial agent
Those are all of the folks I've got added to my pals list. So, enough to start a guild. Not sure if we all have to be online at the same time to do it or how it works. Re: Frogboy and guild - I really don't know if he wants to play with us or has just been busy or what. Can't add him to the pals list under the user name he threw out anyway. I'm all up for adding him or joining his guild if we are all invited (and if he created 1). Barring that, though, I think we should just set up a guild.
I'm not exactly sure what we get out of forming a guild, if anything, though. I spoke with someone the other day who may or may not know what he was talking about, but he told me that the guilds really don't have much functionality in SWTOR now. Guess we'll see. Anyway, if someone wants to put up the credits, I say we set up one ASAP and see how things work. If froggy turns up and has a guild, we could always just join that instead.
re: other stuff - Holy crap am I crafting up a storm. I've literally been spending 100% of my time during quests, etc, sending my companion on crafting missions. The downside is that I'm perpetually low on credits as I'm just trying to level the crafting skills so I can start cranking out implants. At the rate I'm going, it will probably be another day or 2 until I can start making a bunch and hook you fellas up. I figure I'll craft a few up to the prototype level.
Re: crew skills we could use in our group - so far both carbon and I are using bio-chem as our mains. We could definitely use folks with different crafting focuses than that - pretty sure he and I will have bio-chem covered (especially considering I'm a bit fanatical about crafting). I'm much more interested in having a good balance with crew skills than I am on team composition at this point. So far with team comp, we've seen that we can do fine playing as hybrids, but I'd wager much later in the game that it could be a problem if we aren't super focused - who knows though, maybe we are fine.
re: guild names - I really don't care. If one of you wants to create it and call it whatever, then fine with me.
@Fistalis - unfortunately, all of you mmo bastards wrecked things for those that came along later. If WoW didn't originally have a similar pricing scheme in place (buy the game and then buy a subscription), the concept probably wouldn't be as easily accepted. Odds are SWTOR will have some sort of way to try it out play without buying the game sometime in the next 6 months. Anyway, it's pricey, but I'm certainly enjoying myself. Will I be playing this 6 month's done the road? Who knows. Do I feel like I'm getting my money's worth? Yes... even though it's effectively $75 bucks for my first month.