yeah - it was a bounty hunter for sure.
Ah well, learned something anyway.
I was just talking to a bud that apparently picked up SWTOR as well. He's telling me that he's on a server that is constantly full. Said he has to wait like 30 minutes to log in (he does it to play with his pals that are on the server). That kind of sucks.
Other thing I learned - your characters are apparently per server? This means that if I want to play on a difference server, I have to create a brand new character. Maybe that's common knowledge for experienced MMO folks, but I didn't know.
Anyway, been noticing some bugs as well lately... the most annoying was on the black talon up against a padawan. I had a group of 3 people. We did a bunch of damage to her... then she bugged out, flipped off the screen, and reappeared with full health. This happened 4 times. One of my teammates died, but we managed to win. Super annoying.
Another one happens when I join a party but am not a leader. I think its related to the leader going off line or something. Anyway, I end up with their portrait in the bottom left hand corner, but I'm unable to leave the group unless I log out. Never happens if I'm the party leader. Anyway, a bit annoying.
Then there's the super reverse flash characters that someone ended up near me, but are apparently in the wrong place. They just get warped back to where they should be. Kind of weird to watch as they are right near you, then get zapped a big distance away until they are gone. Only seen this randomly, though.
Still having fun ofc.