this is nice, AV you should make an IP
1st Thank you very much !
2nd I would love to but the last IP I started 14 months ago still a WIP
Quoting theAVMAN, reply 163An Idea
May i say damn good one ?
You did that in what ? doesnt look like Photoshop at least not in that AA size if it still is i would like a tutorial or the PSD for training Sir
Thank you!
3ds Max
Every time Harley gets an idea, my feet get cold, because..............he keeps knocking my socks off!
Well this cursor has built in foot warmers! 
Thank very much sir! 
Quoting Wizard1956, reply 166Every time Harley gets an idea, my feet get cold, because..............he keeps knocking my socks off!
Aside from bowling me over too.
And an automatic reset for bowling pins is included 
Thanks everyone!