Continued my shaco discussion over on the madcast forums. copy/paste here. Also, got wildstart, trying that out in a bit
Last update to OP - 5/30/2014 - 4:42PM - cleaned up my initial post and added feedback from folks
From time to time, I get super interested in champions. This time its Shaco. Now, when I say interested, I mean that I study as many high elo players using a champ as I can find. I analyze their playstyle, runes, masteries, summoner spells, etc. All because I enjoy thinking about this stuff, theory crafting, analyzing, and trying to become a better player. So, this is my shaco analysis thread. If you have any thoughts, suggestions, please join in. Anyway, I started this discussion over here: http://forums.demigo...413863/page/200 and am continuing it here. I'm really interested in a discussion with folks, so please chime in if you have any thoughts. This 1st post is going to be a copy/paste of my thoughts from that thread I referenced.
I think there are a ton of things for me to master and figure out, but for some reason, I have a very high level of comfort playing him - which is kind of odd, honestly. I do contribute every game by putting out pressure via ganks, counter jungling as possible (shaco's actually really good at setting up ambushes for the enemy jungler - I'm just not good at that yet), and split pushing. I'm still learning the best way to get into team fights, and am learning how to effectively take out the adc or ap.
As a jungler though, I create a lot of pressure with the stealth ganks and can generally farm it up a bit via split pushing here and there mid/late. I don't think its necessarily a good fit for most comps, but its working for me for the most part - so getting in reps when I'm already feeling comfortable in ranked isn't that big a stretch imo.
High level player analysis
Chinese Jester
Summary: aggressive play style favoring maximum damage, objective control and early ganks. Shares blue buff with mid as appropriate. Gets a GA fairly early for team fighting. Very unselfish, focused on team objectives with exceptional map awareness.
Elo: Challenger
Masteries: 27/0/3 (3 points in MS, all else focused on damage)
Runes: MS Quints, Flat AD red/yellow, Flat AP Blues
Summoner Spells: Ignite/Smite
Build: Machette/4 red health pots/1 blue mana pot. Rush SotEL and boots 1. Tiamat => Shiv => Hydra => GA => ie/tf/w/e for more damage
Favored start in the jungle: any buff is fine to start with. Always start jack in the box (w). Place a box to ward near whatever buff you are starting at between at 30-40 second mark. Spam 3-4 boxes in the buff camp you are going for slightly behind where the buff spawns. Position yourself so you back stand the red/blue buff for added damage. DO NOT SMITE. Use a box if needed to speed up finishing off one of the small creatures in the buff camp. Immediately level w and hop over the wall. The goal is to get to steal the closest enemy buff (blue/red) at this point. Ward the probable jungle entrance, hope the wall behind the enemy buff and toss out a jack in the box (cast blue/red pots as needed). Steal the enemy buff using smite and leave (you will have vision of the jungle because of your ward if he shows). Immediately (still level 2) gank one of the lanes.
Good Guy Garry
Summary: A much more calculating counter jungler than Chinese Jester. Willing to wait for counter jungle chances and setup traps for the enemy jungler. Very patient on ganks if needed. Not as focused on team play, but very focused on setting the enemy jungler behind by warding and crippling camps while keeping up pressure by ganking lanes. Tends to split push very hard and not want to group. Also goes feral flare in all instances I observed.
Elo: Diamond
Masteries: 21/0/9
Runes: AS quints/ Flat AD Reds, Armor Yellows, MR Blues
Summoner Spells: Ignite/Smite
Build: Machette/5 red health pots. Madreds => Wriggles/Mobo boots roughly same time => Static Shiv => BotRk or Hydra => Trinity Force or IE
Favored start in the jungle: any buff is fine to start with. Always start jack in the box (w). Place a box to ward near whatever buff you are starting at between at 30-40 second mark. Spam 3 boxes in the buff camp you are going for slightly behind where the buff spawns. Position yourself so you back stand the red/blue buff for added damage. Use smite to speed up the clear. Take E when you hit level 2. Go to wraith camp. Clear only the 3 small wraiths. Go to the remaining buff camp in your jungle. Clear that using smite/box/E. Immediately gank whatever is the best lane (often its mid).
Cadburry (Twitch Stream)
Summary: None at the moment
Elo: Diamond 1
Masteries: 27/0/3
Runes: uncertain
Summoner Spells: Ignite/Smite
Build: not enough data atm - I currently only have a sample size of a few games. 1 game he goes FF, the next SotEL Consisently has hydra, static shiv, and last whisper. He has magic pen boots in 1 game and bersker's greaves in the other... no idea on the magic pen boots
Favored start in the jungle: Have not found a replay yet.
Wereshrew (Montage Vid)
Summary: This guy is the most experimental shaco player I've seen yet. Seems to play him in a variety of roles and has many rune setups.
Elo: Diamond 2
Masteries: 27/0/3 - his utility page is 9/0/21
Runes: he has 5 shaco rune pages - 3 AD and 2 AP - i look into this later. He seems to be currently running a utility setup (8.5ad, 72HP, 4.5% MS, 7.5% CDR)
Summoner Spells: Ignite/Smite
Build: not sure about build order. Consistently goes SotEL, BotRK, Mobo boots w/ homeguard, He gets static shiv and black cleaver most games, but not necessarily both.
Favored start in the jungle: His montage video shows a cool start. He's on blue side, clears his blue quickly, goes top, steals red but leaves the 2 creeps and WARDS. Then steals big golum to hit level 3. He walks wide around the enemy red camp to stay out of sight, and walks around (away from red) and stands in the bush when he sees the enemy jungler coming to take his red. He then sets a box in that bush out of sight and waits for the enemy jungler. Enemy jungler shows up and he bursts. By having the trap and being hidden, he's able to keep his q up and ready to chase if there is a flash. Outside of that one play in the montage, nothing really all that special in that vid anyway.
Other Shaco Players to Check Out
Misc comments
- Pushover suggests trying to keeps pots on you at all times and tries to keep 2 on him at any time
- Danknee points out that dorans blade + 1 pot isn't good on shaco anymore. He also prefers to run ghost/smite. He pops ghost early and then deceives from further away than normal when trying to gank in some setups. Dan also thinks Feral flare is poop on mr shaco.