Not true. There's multiple examples of games where people could do it, as it's something the standard Steam agreements apparently allow.
Let me remind you that companies don't very often get the same deals as others. Just because Company A agrees to something fully and everything goes one way, Company B might have a slight issue with something else and problems thus ensue. Here is the thing. Stardock, while owning impuse said they would never sell on steam. This we all know. They've now sold it to gamestop and thus are no longer in competition with steam and have made arrangements to sell their games. Again, this we all know. The details of that arrangement we do not know. The details of the sale to gamestop, we do not know. It's very possible that part of the deal to gamestop was that all current keys stay exclusive to them, thus retaining the customers along with the sale. It makes sense as part of the deal does it not? This would clearly block stardock from giving us all new keys to switch to steam should we want to go that route. BUT! WE DO NOT KNOW. And that is my point.
What evidence have you offered again?
I don't have to offer evidence, I'm not the accuser. I'm the one asking for evidence and proof. I'm just asking where he get's his information from that he's absolutely confident that its Stardock screwing everyone and not, as I presented, possibly a previous deal with another company that's preventing them. I've delivered reasonable doubt for you to see even though I don't have to. So I'll ask again, how is it you know its Stardock's fault?
Tridus... Please tell me you're not one of those complete and total idiots who when presented with the argument if God exists and is asked to prove that he does, your answer back is prove that he doesn't... Its just plain stupid. Don't be like that. Because... That's what you just did by stepping in. I have faith that people here really aren't that dumb. Please don't prove me wrong.
No, that's a few people on the FORUM. Nobody knows what the wider world of SD's customers are interested in because the people who post here are a tiny minority plagued by selection bias.
This is you making assumptions like that other guy is about the deal in place. Only this time, I actually do know the details because I am intimate with them. Your assumption is incorrect. I know far more people who have never even registered on the forums, much less have any reason to. They play the games and use the software, they don't care about your banter or anyone else's. Some play Sins, some play Elemental, some GalCiv2, some only use the WinCustomize stuff, some use a mixture of all of them. I bought Sins because I was pointed to the game by someone else who used Stardock's software and thought I'd be interested in it. If I wasn't already aware of it when I saw the box on Best Buy's shelf, I would have never bought it. There were plenty of other more appealing games out at the time. So when I say I know a lot of people who are happy to see SDC is coming back (I've never used it, I got here after Impulse, but I've only heard good things) so they can ditch GameStop and that they refuse to go to Steam just like me, yes, I am referring to forum people that I've had the pleasure of getting to know over the past few years, but I'm also referring to people I know personally who do not use the forums who are a part of Stardock's wider world of customers. Don't make stupid assumptions like that. None of us, will ever go to steam. All of us are waiting to ditch GameStop. I'm not testifying to the entirety of the customer base, just to whom I know. Read it again on the last page. You will see that. Here, let me quote it for you to help you out, because I'm a nice guy like that.
everyone that I know is pretty darn loyal, most of whom refuse to go to steam, and are waiting for SDC to be released so they can get rid of GameStop. Myself included. If that's not loyalty, then I don't know what is.
You see that part at the beginning where I said everyone I know? Yeah that part. That's not edited, go look for yourself if you want proof. That nullifies your assumption right there before you even had it. If Lothrik wants to come back and dispute that, its his choice. I'd probably concede since I made a blind assumption of my own right there. But that's for him to do, not you. Come back with a reasonable argument if you want to continue this. For now, I'll patiently wait for Lothrik's proof of his personal involvement, and thus personal knowledge to the details of the deal with steam so that he can come here and confidently put Stardock on blast for it.
Thank you and have a nice day.