Recently read two sword&sorcery style series, Codex Alera by Jim Butcher, and Keeper of the Swords by Nick Perumov. Particularly the first is worth reading if you feel like some guts&glory rather than epic themes. Keeper of the Swords is so filled to the brim with fantasy elements - if A Song of Fire and Ice is on one End (very few fantasy elements), and Tolkien's universe is somewhere in the middle, the Keeper of the Swords is as far as you can go in the other direction.
Also, R. Scott Baker has two great series in one world, Prince of Nothing and The Aspect-Emperor (Aspect-Emperor takes place 20 years after the first series, but many characters are still there - the last book hasn't been written yet though). I think no author has chilled me to the bone like this one has - not through scary elements or suspense, but with philosophy and cold, hard logic. There is an "adult" presence in these book.
(war is a big part in Codex Alera, and both the series by R. Scott Baker. Faith is a big part of Baker's books, but not in a bad way)
Patrick Rothfuss has a trilogy called the Kingkiller chronicles, and they're absolutely worth reading, but the last one isn't out yet. Perhaps unique for the genre, the series is (so far) written almost completely (99%) from the viewpoint of one character, although technically the story takes part in both the past and the present. It really feels like you're reading a fairy tale almost, but obviously with far more serious attributes. Since it's from one perspective, and the books are fucking long, the story feels extremely epic as you get to experience the character growth of primarily the main character.