Well there are still a lot of unknowns, listed below:
entityType "Titan"
statCountType "Titan0" [Titan0, 1, 2, 3...]
armorType "Titan"
AttackType "TITAN"
canTargetStructuresAndTitans TRUE/FALSE
DamagePercentBonus: TITAN: enemy armor %
If there is new entityType "Titan", then tons of abilities/buff will be changed and maybe multiple Titans...
If new armor and attack type, then new Damage%Bonus for current AttackTypes vs Titan armor/class
There could be TitanAbilities, then new Damage%Bonus
If Anti-Structure ships are also anti-Titan, that needs to be added.
Another thing to consider is whether or not Titans can have their abilities disabled or interrupted.
Many, Many unknowns. Vasari Siege Capital has ability that boosts damage vs structures, if all above is in, then the ability could be modified for anti-titan attacks. Don't Vasari have an ability that reduces armor too? Very good anti-Titan ability.