So, I'm in the middle of a game on TOA that has been one of the most interesting I've had in some time, especially in the way my allies and enemies have been repeatedly shaken up, unlike a normal game where diplomatic relations are frequently static overall. It's not over yet, but it will be soon, so this is technically not an After Action Report.
There isn't really going to be any story here, as that tends to make writing these things take much longer and would probably get it abandoned like my other AARs have more or less been.
This game was actually the one I described in this post - the idea was to have twelve "major" races by creating minor race versions of the Thalan and Yor - which I deemed the civilizations that would make the most sense to have under the restrictions of being a minor race - and playing with the other major races. Six non-colonizing minors rounded it out.
This was begun before I did any real tech tree modding, though things worked out surprisingly even anyway.
Other settings included
Immense galaxy
Tight clusters for stars (combined with a range penalty mod, this resulted in a longer game then normal)
Common everything for planet/star settings
Mega events on
Tech trading, but no tech brokering
Super Abilities off (I was a bit tired of Super Diplomat making for easy alliance wins)
All victory conditions enabled
Part 1: The early expansion
I found my Terrans starting near the left-most corner of the galaxy. Earth was a relatively mundane planet, but did possess a 300% manufacturing bonus tile, which proved a mixed blessing - while it enabled me to turn out colony ships quickly, it also took a hefty toll on my economy. Not helping matters was the loss of my survey ship - imaginatively named the TAS Enterprise - to a wormhole that sent it halfway across the galaxy.
The economic woes caused me to expand relatively slowly. During this time, I encountered the Iconians, to my left in the very corner, and the Korx to the right, as well as the Scottlingas and Carinoids. The Enterprise also encountered the Drengin on its way back to known space.
I set up trade routes to the Korx and the minors, which, combined with the construction of an economic capital on Earth, helped me solve the economic issues. In early 2228, my region of space looked something like this:

Expansion continued for some time after this - I discovered an economic resource in the void "north" of Earth that further helped solve the economic crisis, and expanded into the Carinoids' home cluster (located to the south on the minimap), though all the remaining non-extreme planets in this cluster were claimed by the Iconians.
Overall, the colony rush wasn't a huge success for the Terrans, though my planets certainly represented a triumph of quality over quantity - Quatrale I (located near the center of the screenshot above) had two 300% research tiles and became my technological capital, while the unclaimed second world in the Carinoids' home system was a PQ 20 wonderworld.

An early random event. The Scottlingas had this happen to them several times, which would have an important effect later on.
By the beginning of 2229, the galaxy had begun arming for war. It didn't take long for the Drengin to get up to their usual tricks, with one of the most astonishing demands for tribute I have ever seen:

Needless to say, I denied their request...

But it was a problem I would have to deal with. Also hostile were the Iconians, thanks to some overlapping borders they weren't happy about. Only the Korx (with almost no military) were friendly.
I started building fighters myself, but also tried an unorthodox strategy to deal with the Drengin: I exchanged research treaties with them. The AI (almost) never attacks its treaty partners for fear of the diplomatic hit that comes with it, and since the Drengin research was surprisingly good, I figured this would be the simplest way to fend them off. It did prevent a war, but the diplomatic penalty worked both ways - which would later return to haunt me.

My stats in mid-2229.
All other events, however, were abruptly halted by the Great Spy Infestation of June 2229.

I immediately removed all my foreign agents and used them to nullify some of the spies, but it would take a long time to finally rid myself of them. In the meantime, with my economy badly hit (again), I slowed down both expansion and shipbuilding, devoting much of my income to getting more spies.
Part 2 coming soon.