See? No perspective. You're not even attempting to be honest anymore, just ranting about the guy. I'd leave you to it, but when I want to kick his head in it's for things he actually did.
The only liberal bills passed by his congress that Bush didn't like were the attempts to expand SCHIP well beyond the boundaries of poverty. Bush helped write half the shit he signed.
He expanded the Department of Education, a department actual conservatives have been gunning for since it's inception. Testing? Maybe. Federal level? Hell no. He got shit from the left anyway because it was an "unfunded mandate" which would be the only thing that was good about it. At least while he was screwing us over with more control he wasn't hosing us for more money to fund an already obscenely over funded education system.
He expanded Medicare, without even bothering with little details like means testing, to cover presciption drugs. For those of you still going through life without a clue, cat food is more expensive than people food, anyone eating it was just fucking nuts.
He engaged in nation building, a purely progressive philosophy espoused by a broad spectrum of your loony left presidents including LBJ, Kennedy, FDR, Wilson and Carter. When realists, also known as Conservatives, bomb the shit out of someone else for fucking with us, we leave when the job is done. We don't stay to play suzie homemaker with the next bunch of jumped up dictators funding terrorists, as they're bloody likely to be. We're individualists, it's their own damn problem if they let scum take their country back over.
He gave half the fuckin country a negative tax rate. I know, I know, bitch bitch bitch. Those evil rich people got 4.6% off theirs too! Get over it already. The self titled centrist went way across the aisle for the other brackets while he was offending your sensibilities.
He created a whole new department in government. Not just a new department either, the biggest expansion of government since the freakin 60's. Oh yeah, real conservative.
After all that liberalism, he gave us his last year in office, what a whammy that was. Meanwhile, you pine for Reagan. I pine for Reagan too.
Reagan cut the size and scope of government intervention every chance he got. Bush helped author the expansion of it on numerous occasions. The big daddy of them all being the creation of our new standard, Too Big To Fail. We're fucked, utterly fucked, by progressive idealism, and you give him shit for being ultra conservative. What did he do that was actually conservative? He blocked the expansion of SCHIP. That was about it.