I hear you GoaFan77! The Kodiak is about half-ugly; no argument there! I always thought that it looked like a semi-trailer with rocket engines strapped on it; I like your tank picture better though! 
My three favorites, as far as looks go, are the Jevelin, Akkan, and Sova. I'm not sure exactly why, but these three really appeal to me. The converted freighter look of the Dunov is pretty cool too.
@flannicus90: Haw, haw, haw! I know exactly what you mean! Whenever I see the starfish coming for me, I start laughing. I can't take them seriously as a threat; they look too ridiculous! Death by Starfish - Yeah, riiiiiiight.....
I do like the Vasari ships though. The Kortul and the Evacuator are my favorites in terms of appearance. I think that it's cool how they make the Evacuator look like an actual floating city!