OK, It's been a while since I posted up on WC... ( family and health commitments .. )
Anyway , I noticed in the last month's Desktops that us Mac Users dont get as much coverage, I have no idea why .. ... so heres my little contribution .. !!
2 Shots .... Clean and dirty ...
CLEAN .......
Uploaded with [URL=http://imageshack.us]ImageShack.us[/URL]
Clean is as you see , Mac OSX Snow Leopard and of course , the dock as usual ... Looking forward to the new OSX LION coming soon ..
Its interesting to say that with my 'pre existence' , if you will , on PC ,
I loved tweaking and modding - dont get me wrong , I still do , on my PC , but not as much these days ...
I don't really miss all of that since I went all " Apple-y " ...
I just never found a need to ... The system works excellently for me ... and does what it says on the box , so to speak ... fast as hell as well ( A BT Infinity 40mb Broadband helps a little !! )
My current Mac setup is 27"iMac , 2 iPod Touch's 8gb and 32gb , iPad1 64gb 3g , iPad 2 64gb 3g , and of course , the ubiquitous iPhone4 ...
Macbook Air is in the bedroom ... along with an Apple Tv so that I can stream movies etc to the TV...
As a musician I had to 'Upgrade' to Mac for work reasons , as the main Music Program that I run , Logic Express , is only for the Mac ..
( If its good enough for EMI Abbey Road Studios , and BBC et al , Then I think It will be good enough for me ! ! ) ... So, here's the Dirty Shot ....
Uploaded with [URL=http://imageshack.us]ImageShack.us[/URL]
" From the Calm comes the Chaos ! "
I am currently working on A Genesis song for a friend of mine , and using Logic Express with some of its built in Samplers , and a couple of KORG Legacy VST synths , the classic M1 , Wavestation , and the MS20 ....
everything you see , all the buttons , bits, things, wires etc ... all do something ... so sometimes there is a fair bit of programming and fiddling to do , assigning notes, midi channels , etc ...
I use the YAMAHA CVP 509 Clavinova as my Master keyboard ... With all the sounds and bits in that .... I don't think I will ever use it to its full potential ... but its a fantastic piece of equipment .......
This is a video I did on my iPhone of the built - in demo of my Clavinova ...
Pretty impressive ...
The Logic Express window is usually full screen , but I thought you would have a better idea of what it all looks like .. !!
~ So as you can see , it sorta gets very busy when I do a bit of work ... sorry , I'll re-phrase that .. When I have a bit of fun !!
And Thats your lot ... music to make and bills to pay ...
Regards to all ...