Your point is only valid if you accept that the dynasty system was always planned as some sort of decoration or secondary detail. To some of us who were with the beta well before the first version was released, dynasties were, conceptually at least, absolutely a core game play element.
I love it when Firefox crashes and eats my posts...
My point is valid because I'm coming at it from what the game is now, not what it should have been. Today, the dynasty system is a secondary thing. You could turn it off and the gameplay wouldn't really change significantly (and except for not being able to farm champions it wouldn't change at all).
What it should have been doesn't matter anymore. It is what it is today.
The only reason that they are not currently "core to the gameplay" is that the game world as a whole was treated as a secondary detail and most dev effort went into engine work (and art assets) that reflected a bias towards modding and possibly-excessive ambitions for 3D graphics rendering. Ditching dynasties in FE is the 'natural' consequence of ditching essence in WoM--both decisions reflect the fact that the project put more time into background mechanics than it did into establishing a vivid, coherent game world.
No argument there. You remember Brad's infamous comment that "game development is 90% engine/tools and 10% game"? Maybe it's true for a literal definition of 'game', but it's insanely wrong if your goal is to make a high quality strategy game. It seems now that FE is getting a better balance of effort.
Looking at it now, to make FE they have a certain number of people and amount of time to work with. They have to take that and wind up with as good a game at the end of it as possible. Ignoring everything but where we are today and where we have to go, is devoting resources to dynasties going to get you a better game then devoting those same resources to improving the economics?
Plumbing is a beautiful and necessary thing, but it is seldom the star of any art form. I can type that with all pompous certainty because Marcel Duchamp is my favorite dead white guy and he pissed off nearly the entire art world by admiring an American urinal enough to turn it on its side, sign it with a made-up name, and call it art. I'm not afraid of the sausage factory, but neither am I afraid of bitching about the recipe decisions at my favorite sausage factory. Seeing thoughtful posters like you take this sort of position leaves me worried that all of us in the 'old guard TBS' crowd are doomed to suffer new games that are nothing more than the cafeteria knockoffs of awesome home cooking that we used to get back in the day.
Maybe I just look at it differently then you do because I'm a software developer myself. The way I see it, there's core stuff and non-core stuff. Non-core stuff is what makes a good game great, but it doesn't work unless the core is there. It's like the furniture in a house. You need it, but you probably need walls more.
Multiplayer is to me what Dynasties and Essence are to you: something that should have been great but was instead half-baked and neglected. The way I see it at this point, MP in WoM was a horrible mess. It should be fixed. But would fixing it in FE help anything if they don't fix the core stuff first? Not really, because the best MP system on the planet being used to play WoM would still not be any fun because it's being used to play WoM. Similarly the best dynasty system any game has ever seen wouldn't make WoM fun because the rest of the game is so weak.
My hope is that FE gets the core right, then in the third game with a sold foundation in place they can go back to stuff like dynasties and MP and do them properly. I have no idea if it'll actually happen that way, but it's never going to happen if they try to do it in reverse order.