Here we go with a couple of what I'm sure will be many questions...more at the beginning, I hope, than later on as you kind folk help me to progress. Here's my stretchable layer in PS just prior to cutting the pieces using the colored sections as a template. By switching layers in my PSD, I also cut the tileable layer into same sized pieces.*
Assembled into SKS 7.2, we see:
As you can see, there are some problems. Most of them involve moving the pieces into their correct positions; is this done with the margins somehow? I didn't find out how to do it if so.
Another thing is that there is a gap between the bottom bar, and all programs. It looks like SKS calls for 31 pixels, while Vampothika says to keep it at a max of 30 for the sake of Vista. Mine is 30, and I'm using XP.
I have figured out how to put the second layer (the tileable one) on top of the existing one. I tried with one piece, but wasn't successful in locating a way to delete it again. I didn't think to try Ctrl+X. Eventually, I closed SKS without saving, reopened it, and it was gone.
I can't find it now, but someone suggested that I change the name from Steampunk (a blind with such a name already exists, and I'm wearing it now) to something like Mally's Steampunk, or Steampunk1. As of a few days ago, this skin will be known as...(drum role, please)...ProfMcGinnisSteamLab. I only had 20 characters with which to work, or it would have been Professor McGinnis' Secret Steam Lab. Now, come on...that's funny, isn't it?
*Using a colored, mostly transparent template to cut any number of layers at the exact same places:
Select visible template layer, individual section.
Using Magic Wand Tool, select one of the 5 colored sections.
Select visible stretchable layer (tileable layer is invisible at this point, or visa versa)
Ctrl+C (copy) that piece from whichever layer is visible
Ctrl+N to open new image document, Ctrl+V to paste image to correctly sized document.
Save as something like "All Programs - Stretchable.psd"
in a new subfolder called something like "ProfMcGinnisSteamLab PSDs\Start Menu Pieces"