Just thought I'd give a shout out for a game that's coming out soon (June 7th) called Pride of Nations by AGEOD. AGEOD or Paradox France is a company that
has released many excellent war games. Also Philippe Thibaut who is a co-developer of the game is the original creator of Europa Universalis. It's a turn based grand strategy game that looks to provide real historical insight into why history unfolded the way it did.
This game is going to be deep and complex and should accurately portray the time period (1850-1920) that it's set in. You can play one of the 8 great powers. Great Britain, France, Prussia, USA, Russia, Japan, Sardinia-Piedmont or Austria-Hungary.
Each nation has it's strengths and weaknesses and the game will focus on realism and keeping things roughly historical. (Although there are options for Sandbox
play as well.) Turns are 2 weeks long and there will be 1680 turns in all for the Grand Campaign.
The military aspect will be excellent as they have refined the AGE (Adaptive Game Engine) through many successive games. Attention to detail with accurate portrayals of thousands of historic military leaders of the time and over 500 different attributes for them. The economic, diplomatic as well as colonization parts of the game also look very deep and realistic.
Anyway, this game is not for the faint of heart but anyone who loves historical realism and a deep, complex game would be interested.
Best of all, it's only $20. It won't appeal to a lot of people I'm sure but it's a game I'm excited about. BTW, I don't work for them and I'm not a beta tester or anything.
I just love history and grand strategy. ^^
You can download the demo now:
Pride of Nations page here:
Here are the Paradox Forums for the game:
Finally, here is a short walkthrough of the game: