First off, let me say, that I've been a long time fan of Stardock and their games. I've got every Galactic Civilizations game and Elemental. I loved Master of Magic for all it's crashiness.
But this is getting ridiculous. Just when I get a good game going, I've got some opponents more powerful than me. I'm fighting for resoruces. I've got a great economy going. I'm looting the countryside and enjoying the quests. The mod support is great. I love the music!
And then my save games don't work any more. They crash the game. All of them.
1.0 came and went. 1.1 came and went. 1.2 came and went. And now we're here. The game isn't anywhere close to stable yet. It crashes randomly (I've posted the bugs), it runs out of memory. And save games don't load any more.
I've invested a lot of time in playing this game. And it's extremely frustrating to get through a whole lot of the game and really look forward to playing it, only to have the software fail to deliver. I'd have to start over, and I don't think I'm interested. Maybe I'll check back in when you patch it again.