[As posted to 7DS forums]
Corvette, wow, upgraded heavy fighter just under a light ship. Just boost speed and halve the hp/shields of a MacArthur, increase agility, add abilities or 'selectable' abilities via research or, like starbases, certain weapons unlockable by specific research -something we've noticed and thought about heavily for ships. Imagine, being able to upgrade your ships with 'alien' weapons because you did some 'Vasari Reverse-Engineering' or Advent after killing 20-30 of their ships, then upgrades to said weapons/abilities with more kills. Blended tech ships. Neat stuff. Requires a new research tab section. StarClad, steal my idea please.
Titans, yeah, we got them. Massive ships with a 'real' cost of about 2 billion -compared to our capitals ranging from 136 to 600 mil (or a slight bit more). Just slap on a big old area affect weapon and you've got it.
Victory conditions will be interesting -a good upgrade to diplomacy which my son played for 3 days and never after.
I'm look forward to toasting your success! Please, reverse engineering of other races weapons/abilities based on killing/salvaging/scanning the enemy, create totally new research section for it too. Each ship in the fleet that is 'upgradeable' with 'reverse-engineered' weapons and abilities goes from position (0,1) down to whatever or sectioned off for the X number of ships that upgrade and branching 'choices' where if you select 1 of 2 in 'tier' 1, the other grays, same down the line so ships can have 2-3 options.
Vasari Armor or Advent Shields
Wave Cannon or Beam
Repair Hull or Shield Boost
I'd also like crew to factor into ship performance, something that would permit colony ships or repair stations at planets to be able to re-crew ships damaged in combat from a military population pool. Ship takes a beating, crew are bound to die. Can't just rep a ship and it's 100%, not with 50 crew out of 5200; should operate at 1%, 2600 crew -at 50% 
Knowing our Titans, I wanna have my mind blown by what you, the PRO's, deliver.
**Please, steal my ideas**
Also, when we get a public release, my excel 2003 workbook will be included so anyone can see exactly how we rebalanced everything and figured out financially balancing frigs, cruisers, battlecruisers, and capitals -then finally working out Titan costs. I give them to you if you want them to use as desired to make Rebellion amazing. Heck, I'll email it to Blair if I still have his email address.
7 Deadly Sins Manual -feel free to check out and out do; I say that humbly because I see great potential for Rebellion.
Good Luck and God Speed. All the best from Danman Games!