the anti-matter system on the carriers vs Sc vs flak is completely broken and none functional to the point where one can say it doesn't exist. I made a mod a long time ago when I completely reworked the system and got it working.
Hear where a few findings: When I removed the build penalties that was IC's lame solution fix that did more harm then good.
Advent carriers will NEVER EVER run out of AM by getting it's SC shot down alone. To bring it inline with the other carriers It AM reserve needs to eb droped to 450 from 600 and AM recharge rate from 0.6 per secodn to 0.4 like the otehr carriers.
Vasary fighter AM consumption has to be lowered some since it has super terrible replacement capabilities.
Advent flak had to be nerfed. It was other performing the TEC and Vasari flak by 1.5 to 1.8 times.
Did quite a few changes. IT made Sc strong again but your strength was on a time limit. Witht he enemy having 1 flak per winf of fighters you had it would take around 6 minutues to clean vasari fighters, 7 minutes Tec and 9 minutes Advent. At which point the carriers ran out of AM and no longer able to replace.
But that solution was completely ignored by IC.