Yep, good news if it actually comes to pass.
Though really comparisons to Wheel of Time are misplaced. Wheel of time is an endless muddle of largely uninteresting characters who just bump around waiting for some reason for all of them to wind up back together for the final battle (assuming it ever comes).
Fire and Ice is a better paced muddle of more interesting characters (from their diversity of motivations and situations) who actually lead meaningful storylines while waiting for some reason to wind up back together for the final battle (assuming it ever comes).
Wheel of time is ultimately quite dull, after the intial WOW factor (and I don't discount that factor at all) wears off. The problem is that the books drone on and on about minor characters who don't do anything other than provide Jordan (well past tense) the opportunity to milk more books out of the series. That is the first 4-6 books were quite good, the story was compelling, but then it just turned to a near endless repitition of 'she crossed her arms beneath her breasts and glared at Rand/Lan/Mat/Perin/...'.
Fire and Ice, certainly could turn into this, and Martin taking so long to put out DwD lead to much speculation that this is indeed the case, but none the less, he does seem to keep the number of characters somewhat constant by killing off a few everytime he introduces new ones.
Anyway, Fire and Ice is more 'mature' than Wheel, and doesn't rely on the crutch of magic nearly as much. Which is entirely subjective whether that's a positive or not.