Lol, okay, I was just nosing around the website, and I saw this little statement that made me giggle.
"The Kingdoms of the West are dominated by the factions of men. While of one species, each faction is substantially different from one another in terms of culture, capability, and philosophy."
I think we should add "Culture, Capability and Philosophy = nation colors. Differences in Culture, Capability, and Philosophy of the Taarth are a Green flag, while the Altar are a Red flag...get it? They are way different. Really. Red is really fucking different than Green! Can't get more different than that!!!
So, Toby, Kael, Brad, or Jon...What differences will the nations have in FE? I know in this game, Trogs are different than Urxen because Urxen sometimes have beards AND they have different color flags. Super different.
As for the human nations:
Altar = Generic Humans
Capitar = Uh...Slave owning generic humans?
Gilden = Merchant and Mining Humans
Pariden = Magical Humans?
Taarth = What are these guys? Gladiators? Brigands? Warriors? Barbarians? Some combo?
Different flags, colors ... and don't forget a different starting tech and a different starting ability. That makes them WAY different. 
Maybe we need to give them some ideas about what "different" should mean... how about something like:
One nation:
Intelligent (bonus to research, extra research buildings) weaklings (lower hit points) who prefer negotiation to fighting (bonus to diplomacy,bonus to influence)... starting city starts near lost library.
Second nation:
Beast-friendly (can recruit beasts) people who specialize in earth magic (earth shard bonus, earth spells faster to learn, extra earth spells for them) who recycle (bonus materials on completion of building) ... starting city starts near earth shard. Influence is lower than normal as they try ti stay one with nature.
Third nation:
Fast (bonus to movement, combat speed) and efficient (bonus to building and unit construction) who don't wear chain or plate to keep them fast ... starting city starts near wargs/horses and mount technology.... specialize in air magic and starting city starts near an air shard.
Fourth nation:
Adventurous (bonus when researching adventure techs, better treasures from goodie huts) who are not slowed by mountainous or forest terrain... cities have higher prestige because of adventures (bonus city growth) and cheaper champion recruitment ... slower building/unit construction because everyone is out adventuring.
Fifth nation:
Magical nation (bonus when researching spells, bonus mana generation) with faster access to advanced spell books, imbuing heroes does not have a maintenance cost ... Magic makes them different so they struggle with diplomacy (reduced diplomacy capabilities). Starting city starts near temple.
Sixth nation:
Militaristic (bonus when researching military techs, bonus to hit and dodge) who can quickly generate units, but struggle with magic because of their focus on weapons/armor. Starting city is next to mine.
Seventh nation:
Large (deal extra damage in battles), slow (negative movement penalties, lower combat speed) race with thick skin (bonus hit points) who specialize in water magic so they can slow opponents down...starting city is next to water shard.
and so on... so let's have it. What's the plan in FE?
P.S. Heavenfall has a mod that illustrates some good differences in nations too.