I think i know why everyone thinks hohos were buffed...
Its the autotageting thing.
hoho demobots has the exact same targeting parameters as supression.
That means that before the change. the hohos were acting just like domina's currenly do... they all target a single ship... and all try to disable it, wasting massive quantities of antimatter...
Now... since demobots are instantly cast, (due to lack of turning), if one hoho fires, it forces all the other hohos to pick a new target, hence the demobots get spread out, as intended, and as domina's supression should be.
Basicly... All that was changed was the serious lack of reducion of micro on the tec player's part. (If you tried demobotting an enemy fleet before, with hotkeys and unit groups, you know its totally possible, and very effective just micro intensive.)
Basicly, any good player will have a zero change in his fleets effectiveness, but now he suddenly has a few extra seconds to take away from the battle, and check up on his empire.... but now the nubcake spammers will be quite effective in thier spaming.
But its something you only really have to worry about if they have 5 military labs, and something you only really really have to worry about if they also have 4+ civic labs. by the time they have 9 labs, and quite substantial research, you will have no doupt crushed them with your tier 1 assailants.
or, for significantly less research and effort, you can get guardians with repulse, and keep the hohos from ever reaching your fleet.
or, also for significantly less research and effort, you can get subverters and do some real damage.
I am quite happy that everyone thinks that hohos are now god... I have noooo problem fighting hoho spammers... much easier to take care of than illum spammers of old, or skirantra spammers of recent. Course, it wont last... there is no way everyone is going to keep pressing what they think is a 'win button' when it doesnt do anything.