Another thing on discusion about super weapons.
Not much about to say about advent it needs to be buffed in my opinion. Perhaps in addition what it does reduce maximum planet population capacity for certain period.
If advent stays as it is I like the nerf but then at the same time TEC needs to do much less if not 0HP damage to a planet.
Kosutras were primarly used to kill enemy fleets and there was as some people suggested counter to simply scutle planet (planet is dead for you) use akan armistice or just jump out of gravity well when you see them coming. Now I know sometimes jumping out means giving that gravity well to the enemy. To be really effective you had to build at least 5 of them to kill structures or 6-8 to kill all ships.
Another option was to send fleet in the heart of another empire but with that risking whole fleet lost in case defenses were in place or enemy is able to respond in right time.
1 kosutra per planet warhead other than opening phase line has no real effect and it's useless.
If there is no other changes to super weapons other than economy stacking fix for novas I think they are OP. Well that depends on how long trade effect lasts.
To build them you need to research all rocket upgrade tree which benefits LRM, Marza (including missile barrage), and Star Base. To be really effective you need to build 1 or 2. With 2 you can kill any planet and at the same time reduce trade. Counter to loosing planet is loyality upgrade on SB or scutling planet (for TEC with SB upgrade you can still build ships). With 6-8 of them if you know where enemy factories are you can disable entire enemy ship production facility and in case of small empire is completely possible to take that enemy faction out with one nova barrage. In case of SB protection you are able to fire on 6-8 different planets and take out whole economy.
With MP in mind that can mean 100+ cred per second less for eco guy thus no feed for guys who are fighting. There is no counter other than scutling all 8 planets and in case you are not tec thus loosing abilities to build ships.
1 nova per planet if that planet is not upgraded destroys planet and disables trade.
My thoughts are somewhat described above.....
I think super weapons are/will be on pretty equal footing if we reduce nova damage to planet to around 1000 per shot and that part would be stackable. That way 2-6 is needed to kill a planet depends on how upgraded it is.
When I write this I don't know how long trade effect lasts but that would have to be balanced I would guess about 25 second or something similar would be ok with 125 second cool down (basically ratio 1-5 or 1-6) would be acceptable to me. So to keep planet trade disabled you would need 5 or 6 novas.