I have recently played a fast 1on1 on a tiny map with a custom sov and Pariden agianst Magnar.
Here is a list of bugs and glitches that occured during this play thorugh (roughly 500 turns)
- Improvements that are not included within a City have a Line of Sight of 2 or 3 after beeing built, uppon reload they dont have this LOS anymore
- Magnar (also on the lowest difficulty) faild to equip his Units with the high end equip he had researched despite the fact he had plenty of resources ( i think the AI shouldn't be dumb even on lowes difficulty)
- Magnar built Several Stacks of Pioneers (that shouldn't happen at all) (about half his army consits of groups of pioneers just dooing nothing)
- Magnar had stationed all his troops in those two cities beeing farest away from our border (again AI shoul dbe weak but not plain dumb, evne on lowest difficulty)
- Some Areas didnt change from Dead to Life after i had conquered them (stayed after reload and for about 50 turns until end of game)
- Somehow I managed to get my capital City from 0 Tiles left into a negative Value - after that I was able to build unlimited number of buildings (this occured during reload after canceling a World Wonder in the que and not beeing able to place it again, reload fixed the later issue)
- After I killed Magnar his Empire stayed functional, and when I talked to them Magnar showed up in the Diplo Screen
- After beating Magnar ( one city left) I tried to continue the game via autosave, but only was able to play for about 3 to 5 turns, after that i could not end the turn anymore (no autoexplore stuck units) and I noticed that there where no autosaves of all the turns after my victory
- When I try to reload a game in the mid-/endgame phase sometimes the game crashes, sometimes I can't end the turn (might be related to the "no end turn" stated in 7 because it all occured arroun the last couple of turns
- I fear its working as intended but I was not able to research any of the 4 Starting spellbooks i hadn't selected for my sov (and so missing some really important spells) I think they should be open for research as this will force the player to take them at sov creation or beeing handicaped throughout the whole match
- As I Played a Kingdom Empire I was able to research all of the "life" Spells from the beginning of the game, but I still was able to research the "Life Spell Book" Technology, also it didnt do anything for me
- Those automaticaly desinged Units alle had the same Equip but different Names, but the Unit type of "Great Duke" witch had been desinge about 4 times always with a best weapon avaible by the time of creation (all in all I think this feature could be disabled until a mayor rework of the desing process occurs, as in the current state it does not really help the player at all) - Sometimes i even think the AI uses the same algorithms for creating its own units, but this might be a misstake
- Once Again: the Starting Units Stats (Peasant and Pioneer) does not match those stats of all the newly created units
- I am still not able to delete the Peasant unit from my desing sheets - and so it clutters my recruitment and my desing window)
Regards, Arendis