Is it really true about the cross game bombardment?
Yes. I even said so. Even so, here's a delicious linky to the clip:
It's the first video (both clips are the same, top one's slightly better quality IMO). At about 21:00 minutes in is when they start showcasing the orbital bombardment feature.
While I have the benefit of a job and a good-sized chunk o' change in the bank that would make a PS3 a fairly negligible purchase (see? I don't have one either!), waiting till Black Friday in November (?) will mean you can get an awesome deal on one. Bonus points for the fact that DUST will certainly be out by then- from all appearances it looks like CCP is going to release DUST around the same time as the EVE summer expansion.
I've heard alot of bad rep about the Me 3 ending, but I don't have it, and as such, aren't all that interested.
I'll say this: ME3's gameplay is AMAZING. It's a lot more dynamic, visceral, and enjoyable than ME2. Still has the, IMO flavorless, thermal clip system, but meh, the dynamic movement of rolling and dodging around is ballin'. The story seems pretty good (I've actually stopped playing so I can do a better ME2 run for import into '3), aside from the ending (which I haven't reached) and the above complaint of no male Shepherd love for Samantha Traynor. /tries to find Bioware dev who decided that.
I personally think Bungie is the best gaming developer out there, IMO.
In my eyes, 'best' means one of two things- they always, or at least almost always, bring high-quality content, OR they push the boundaries of gaming in ways that no one else has ever done.
I'd say that Valve could fit the first bill for gaming- very few of their games have actually flopped. All developers to an extent fit the second bill- but no one has EVER done what CCP has done. EVE Online is still the only MMO that is a fully single-shard universe where EVERYONE is on the same server, and now, their the only dev that will have two different games that are part of the same game world, and have interaction between the two.
For example, say my dad plays DUST, and I'm playing EVE. I set up a DUST mercenary contract, and he accepts it. He then goes and fights the battle- but needs additional firepower. I'm in system- ostensibly for other reasons, but really to protect my investment; after all, I'm (supposedly) slapping down some big money on this. He calls it in, I respond, and provide orbital fire support- though I'm still vulnerable to other spaceships in EVE, because they can still find me.
Probably the only kink in that plan is that they haven't yet revealed how any surface-based anti-orbital weapons work- so that's an unknown which could, again, tip the balance by causing me to lose my ship if/when it is destroyed by ground-fire.
NO ONE has ever done that before.
Also, Bungie is owned by either Activision (THE TRUE PLAGUE UPON PC GAMING), or Microsoft (CLUELESS ABOUT PC GAMING). Pretty sure it's the former, but that Microsoft is pushing for more Halo games because it's become a big cash cow for them. And no, you can't really claim that the story was any good past Halo 1. 1 actually had a semi-interesting premise from what I can tell, while 2 kinda stretched it, and 3 sucked. Reach was interesting- but the ending was never in doubt, because it was a past event. ODST was a good idea, because it went off the beaten track of "U R SPARTAN!", and was, AFAIK, more stealth-oriented. But story? Never really there.
But that's okay, a lot of FPS's, particularly ones intended to be mostly multiplayer, lack in the story department. The story in these games is just the excuse to shoot stuff to bits.