I'm pretty tired tonight, but wanted to throw up a quick post as it was on my mind. I've recently played several games with robert munch on a few accounts he knows and a few he doesn't. In 100% of these games, Robert has not acted like a jerk in the slightest. Now, many of you have encountered Robert in the past and have had negative experiences (me too). BUT - I'm a firm believer that folks that may have been a problem on 1 day, can on the next day be pretty decent folks. It happens to all of us - we have a crap day at work, we blahblahblah... and so on. Anyway, I made a few comments in a post awhile back basically saying that I'd wager it wouldn't be all that hard for Robert to take a few days off from attacking/insulting folks and it seems clear to me that he has, in fact, done exactly that. I haven't heard a single post negative comment about Robert since then and I've personally played with and against him several times since that last thread. Anyway, his current user name as of today is I_AM_BETTER_THAN_YOU. Heh - I know, doesn't sound like a guy that is all that passive, but I've found him, after a few discussions on one of my alts, to actually be a decent guy that keeps up on the forums and will certainly read this and many other posts. Anyway, if you see I_AM_BETTER_THAN_YOU join/host any games, give him a shot. He's a decent guy imo. Not to say that he won't go nuts anytime soon, but I talked to him about 3 days ago and he seemed solid to me and I wouldn't have any problems playing with him on my team.
Other stuff - had some good tests today with ai skirmish and uberfix. Things are looking really good. Uberfix is proving to be solid and the ai skirmish mod is getting better and better. I daresay that if we keep this up, tier 1 folks might enjoy adding the ai skrimish mod into the rotation.
And last, I could still use help testing uberfix/ai skirmish/favor mod. If any of you are willing to help me out, send me a pm/respond here/message me on vent and I will gladly take your help. I've spent the good part of the last 1-2 weeks focused on testing to get the existing mods into something we can hopefully get distributed in the next demigod patch.