Enhanced AI 0.26.22/uberfix 1.03/FavorMod 2.1.2
Settings: cata/High Towers - all other settings on default
AI settings: normal
da(h)/rook/rook v sed/rook/rook
Observed results:
Noticed something that should probably be altered in the ai logic if possible. The ai generally does care if the enemy is capping a flag and there is another. For example. We my teams owns the health flag and the xp flag. I have a rook that is coming back from the base and is heading towards the middle. The enemy ai starts to cap the xp (middle) flag at this point. My ai continues on to hp flag, which we still own instead of attempting to stop the ai from capping the mid flag.
I was impressed by one moment in particular. An AI rook was enaging me at the center near our towers. My ai rook was trying to cap the middle flag. My rook recognized that he should change priorities and attack the ai near me instead of finishing capping the flag.
I really like what I'm seeing from the rooks spamming towers. Unfortunately, both of the rooks on my team went hammer slam, but 2 on the other team choose towers. Mid game, he was setting them up all around the hp flag. Late game they were spamming towers like champs!
Noticed something off. My team was ws8. Their team was ws9. When we were both ws8, my team did not try to TP to save portals at all. When they hit 9, then I started seeing portal threatened messages and the ai porting once. Then when the ai was needed to port again, it did not come, this time when 2 enemy ai's were trying to take a portal.
Another instance, possibly related to the ai not understanding that its losing a flag - the ai rook was standing in front of the hp flag. Just far enough away that it wouldn't be capping the flag. I walk past and just sit there and take the flag back. The ai doesn't even move towards me until after I've taken the flag.
Then, a little later, both of my ai's ported again to defend the flag. In the instance where 2 of enemy ai's were pushing the portal and neither of my ai's bothered to tp in, my ai's were in the process of capping the xp flag. So, perhaps its overriding the need to port if its in another process. I noticed this time when they both ported in, they were just attacking creeps.
Another thing - I don't believe I ever saw the tower rooks use boulder roll. stunning enemies in a tower farm is a great way to save your life or get a kill.
Overall, the tower rook setting up farms was very very very much improved. I found the game a little more challenging and had to flee back to base or heal up a bit more than normal.
Edit - if you code a change for the tower farm, see if you can make it cast boulder roll anytime someone comes in range of the tower farm. Don't use it for interrupts, just have it cast to slow them down or stop them.